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Everything posted by Krinn3

  1. Boss Round: 10 Scarabs. Good luck I agree though, these ideas are great. They should add some sort of monetary system as well. A lot of wave-based modes (Horde mode in Gears and Nazi Zombies and Survival for CoD) use some monetary system with purchasable defenses or weapons. I feel like this would be a great addition. The ODST troops for the Spartan Team sounds great, I tip my hat to you sir. These are some fantastic ideas.
  2. I would love to see an assassination with the gravity hammer XD picture a spartan swing it like a baseball bat and sending someone flying lol
  3. I like this idea, sounds cool =) hopefully it works out this way
  4. Sounds like CoD bro. Don't get me wrong, i love CoD, but i dont think it would work in Halo all that well.
  5. Beta's are like sampler platters, it offers a taste of something great, but seems to make you really impatient for the main platter. I would rather just wait for the game than a beta THEN the game. Im already hyped enough as is lol.
  6. Im not so sure about that either... i guess it could work. maybe more customization on color than just "Primary" and "Secondary" and "Detail"... maybe if you could set certain pieces, like right arm and left leg, to be certain colors, that would be alright.
  7. Looks sweet man, good job. i once tried doing something like this in CAD... that was a huge fail for me lol
  8. yeah thats what i was thinking. it was always easy to get into some crazy games then lol XD
  9. i havent gotten double meleed frequently by sprint users. honestly, all the map-navigation based abilities need to stay. Things like sprint, evade, and jetpack are all amazing. I would love to see these advanced even further in H4
  10. seems like most of the ideas have been taken lol. i would like to see a default base option, where you can select an enire base with multiple non connected pieces, but you can pickit up as one item. Actually, a cluster tool would be nice now that i think of it, where you can select all objects within a small area and pick them all up at once instead of trying to move a bunch of pieces over and then re-align them. that was immensely frustrating.
  11. maybe because i dont play so competively, i enjoyed reach more than others, but i dont think halo was ruined with Reach. Yeah it had its problems, but i believe it would be a shame if 343 pulled out AA's, they add an interesting aspect to the game. Saying that Reach doesnt offer fair play because of AA's i find to be very false, noticing how everyone has access to these abilities. Some work better on different levels, that doesnt mean because the other guy picked a better-suited one than you that Reach is unfair.
  12. Hate to be mainstream lol, but recoil was def. better than bloom.
  13. idk, but i do hope the bring in some new ones. maybe some that have to do with the new weapons and possibly vehicles coming out!
  14. Btw, a little off topic. If you pause the ViDoc at 3:15 as the red spartan gets killed with a headshot, you can see a couple of the medals in the game. one looks like the old assist medals and the other looks like it might be headshots meadal?
  15. Huh, that does make sense. I can already picture Cortana yelling at Chief where to go an what to grab while also yelling "Go Go Go!" and panicking a little bit lol
  16. Halo 6... why are talking about this now exactly?
  17. Question: why make a post about how youre not going to get a game? on a forum site about that game? and think that anyone gives a crap?
  18. I'm not sure i understand how armor abilities made Reach unfair... did not everyone have access to the same abilities? It was equal, though some worked better than others in different scenarios. It's almost like perks in CoD. Just because a perk gave someone an advantage doesn't make it unfair. I actually hope to see an improvement on armor abilities, like maybe just have them to assist in map navigation or something. I have raged my fair share at armor lock, but i would be very disappointed if 343 removes them entirely from the Halo series.
  19. Resilience to change is condeming oneself to disappointment. i loved fighting the covenant, and i too have wondered about chiefs new appearance, but staying angry at a game that i havent even played yet because of it is not something i willing to do. Change happens all the time in the gaming world, its just halos turn to bring something new to the table.
  20. Krinn3

    Stop complaining

    Why be afraid of change? Change can revive a series, bring it back to the top of the boards that all Halo fans want to see Halo do. I look forward to the next big thing that games come out with, their next change on their already present ideas. While I have no proof to confirm, i almost feel like bungie saw the overshields and active camos in previous Halo games and twisted that concept and came up with armor abilities. Now im interested to see if 343 twists that concept even further to make it their own. the point is ( I M O) as fans, most try to resist change, but as gamers would should try to embrace it.
  21. I honestly hope he doesnt make an appearance :thumbdown: H4 is supposed to be taking an in depth look at Chief as a person, not Arby and the Chief . Don't get me wrong, I thought the Arbiter was awesome in H2 and H3, but I just dont think he would slide smoothely into the H4 campaign.
  22. I dont understand, is this supposed to be a reference to Epic Rap Battles of History? are we supposed to make lyrics or just set up random vehicle combos to battle each other? not sure what you expected here... :close:
  23. imo, halo did lose a lot of fans for the same cut and dry reward system being used over and over. CoD should not be bashed in this, though i do believe that its presence has resulted in the loss of some Halo fans. and if people are complaining about CoD taking no skill, play a round of big team slayer in H3 or Reach, and watch how many ppl try to hoard the ghost or wraith on a level. I personally dont believe that that takes any skill whatsoever. But I still enjoy CoD and Halo. Every game has its noobs, people just cant judge a game based off the noobs lol
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