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    Dead End New York...
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    Lethal Lizzie

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  1. So my friend and I were discussing how halo 3 has become a game with only 500+ people on it. The thing is we loved the matching making for halo 3, it was accurate and you required to actually be good in order to go up a rank. So we came to the conclussion that YES halo 3 rank DOES MATTER...unlike halo reach rank..now im not bashing... but in halo reach all you have to do is sit there or just play the game megerly and you will end up with maybe 1000 credits each time... Now then yes there are credit banes and all that good stuff, but it's honestly hard to tell when people just arent good at the game and when people are cheating... With this conclusion my friends and I miss the halo 3 match making and we are all so happy to hear the announcment or Operation Populate Halo 3 day which is April 7th. There is a special emblem that you can put on as well to signify that you are part of the event. You wont get anything out of it, just good, clean, fun... and maybe some rage moments.. but hey its all in good fun ...
  2. So my friend and I were discussing how halo 3 has become a game with only 500+ people on it. The thing is we loved the matching making for halo 3, it was accurate and you required to actually be good in order to go up a rank. So we came to the conclussion that YES halo 3 rank DOES MATTER...unlike halo reach rank..now im not bashing... but in halo reach all you have to do is sit there or just play the game megerly and you will end up with maybe 1000 credits each time... Now then yes there are credit banes and all that good stuff, but it's honestly hard to tell when people just arent good at the game and when people are cheating... With this conclusion my friends and I miss the halo 3 match making and we are all so happy to hear the announcment or Operation Populate Halo 3 day which is April 7th. There is a special emblem that you can put on as well to signify that you are part of the event. You wont get anything out of it, just good, clean, fun... and maybe some rage moments.. but hey its all in good fun ... This post has been promoted to an article
  3. so close to getting all the achievments in halo reach...

    1. Lᴜᴋᴇ
    2. Zaguroth


      i had all of them, then they released 3 map packs :(

  4. A couple months back information was (if you wanna call it) leaked out. Microsoft had announced that they needed new game developers to make a new console. Any idea's or wished of what it will be?
  5. Not at all, but since bungie no longer has control over halo dont you think that they would try to put a new mark into the halo series such as bungie did with their amazing enemies and story line. my friends and i discussed this over and over and were all pretty sure that there aren't going to be covenant, seeing as how halo 3 legendary ending was of master chief not getting through, and being stuck on the other half of the ship, and the trailer for months before shows a blinding light that master chief floats into.. we all doubt that any covenant are going to be there... but we could be wrong so...
  6. Covanent? halo 4? no...i heard that this new enemy is something totally new, and the forerunners got it covered. If you go through the terminals in halo anniversary it goes through and hints on a few things.(at least thats what it seemed like)
  7. Yes but its been like that for years now, i mean yeah they had to change the armor so master chief would get more room to move in it, but c'mon some things look a little to much
  8. 2 hours of none stop editing... im done for today -__-

    1. valyou3


      2million more hours to go...

  9. I heard from a couple people that 343 disliked the armor abilities and won't be adding them, although you will be able to sprint freely like in CoD
  10. So we all know that a new video of halo 4 came out on march 5'th giving us a special sneak peak of halo 4... I don't know if anyone else noticed it as well but Master Chiefs armor has changed. I personally love Master chiefs armor, since day one I thought it was cool as hell. Don't get me wrong the armor looks great!, thoughts?
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