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Everything posted by Fireninjaflame

  1. Armor abilities and sprinting shouldn't be in Halo 4 in my opinion. The only armor ability that I think that should be in a halo game is the jetpack, but not as an armor ability like in Halo Reach. It should more be like a special vehicle that you can pick up on a map like you would for a rocket launcher. Otherwise I want the gameplay to be the same as it was in Halo 2/3 (which means bringing back dual-weilding and special equipment).
  2. You can never make a game that is perfectly balanced. Sometimes you have to make decisions as to what is more fun and makes the gameplay interesting and unique, while not sacrificing too much on weapon balance. It worked out well in Halo 2 and i think it will work out well in Halo 4. Dual weilding was never as unbalanced as the armor abilites we got in Halo reach.
  3. Yes I think they should bring it back. Halo is the only first person shooter, imo, that has done dual weilding the best. And people who don't like it don't have to use it, it would be optional unlike the armor abilities in halo reach. So I see no reason why it shouldn't be in the game.
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