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Rooster Teeth

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Everything posted by Rooster Teeth

  1. Oh I cant remember what game does it but yeah they should allow you to jump into the other seat.
  2. Wow never thought of that! I love your idea!!
  3. Wow that look soo cool, I can't wait to use it?
  4. Wow I really miss the elaphant
  5. I think mid range weapons should only can pop tires and what not same with sniper rifle, but I don't think it should destroy it.
  6. I like both as much. But bungie did a lot for halo. But we still can't tell what halo for 343i will be great or not! Let's wait and find out! But love 343i also!
  7. Well hmmm.... Lol ofcourse the Xbox for me!!!
  8. Nicely well written! I only do it if they are a bother.
  9. I wish but sadly I don't see the coming.
  10. I really like it how you could be a female in halo reach, but halo 4, just shouldn't have a female body. Keeping it original.
  11. I think there was a playlist just like that kinda in halo 3 though. But good idea!
  12. What? I don't get why you want to be the flood? Well looks good in a way, but it just won't be right.
  13. I think they should because then you can have your own voice that you like to use in ops!
  14. That would be awesome to see how you can control it!
  15. I pick both because I haven't played spartan ops yet..
  16. Wow omg I can't wait for spartan ops!!!!
  17. Hey hows it going RugerRino? Welcome to 343i forums!!
  18. Hey how's it Zolban? Welcome to 343i forums!
  19. 1. Cortana 2. Sarah 3. Lightning 4. Anders 5. Anya
  20. I vote halo 3 because I had soo many memories and it makes me sad because I want those replay themselves again..
  21. Hey what's up Dark Spartan?! Welcome to the 343i forums!
  22. Hey hows it? Welcome to 343i forums!
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