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Rooster Teeth

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Everything posted by Rooster Teeth

  1. Hey how you doing? Welcome to 343i forums!!!
  2. Hey what's up jack?!? Welcome to 343i forum!!!
  3. Awesome right on a starter in football great job!! Hop to see ya back on the forums
  4. Hey how's it? Welcome to 343forums!!
  5. Mickey for me!! Because I wish I can fly a vehicle in halo odst
  6. Halo 3 because better campaign and matchmaking takes effort to level up and I like challenges but halo reach forge was better though. Vote halo 3
  7. Maybe never know, well scientist did say that the planets do line up on the 21st of December but it might not even happen... Who knows.. Gods news though, at least we get to play halo 4!!!!!
  8. Even though I really love halo and gears comes 2nd but I think dons death was the saddest because marcus lost a really close friend and the song that was playing during his death wow just thinking about make me want to tear up
  9. Hey how's it going? Welcome to 343i forums!!
  10. Hey what's!!! Welcome to the forums
  11. Oh wow I'm sorry:( hope you get web back
  12. Welcome To 343i forums!! If you have any questions just ask!! Hope to see you around!!
  13. Brutes might just be but hunters should be in halo 4 100 percent
  14. Yeah I just preorder it at GameStop only or in person and tell them you want to preorder it
  15. Dude I totally agree with you Halo reach invisibility was just awful
  16. Sony also don't allow some games to be on Xbox either. You know that the game companies are against each other right? Then how would they make money without other gaming companies make as much
  17. Xander welcome to the 343i forums!!! If you need any help just ask
  18. Alright have a fun vacation
  19. Have a great vacation we will see you soon!!
  20. I know how it feels dude, I left cause got treated bad once. But it's all cool now. But I hope it's the right choice for you!!
  21. Alright man,hope you do in school
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