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Rooster Teeth

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Everything posted by Rooster Teeth

  1. Try one: admbnthony. Try two: Anthony Wow that's pretty hard than I thought
  2. Lol wow my favorite one is when on halo 3 on the last mission where we were driving the warthog and my friend and I lost the warthog and took a mongoose and keep falling off the map when the fat floods keep exploding!! haha good times...
  3. Everyone on here are mostly on my list!!!
  4. Aww..dont let trolls get to your head. Well if you are leaving, then bye and hope is the right choice for you.
  5. We have sorry.but Welcome to 343i forums
  6. Hey Kyle!! Welcome to 343i forums!!
  7. Oh ya halo!! Welcome to 343i forums!!
  8. Welcome to 343i forums Electro!! This is fan base buddy!!
  9. Hey what's!?! Welcome to 343i forums!!
  10. Welcome back Dino!! I hope I get to see you on the forums
  11. No its now based on XP now but Their are Credits(Spartan points) to buy weapons attachments ETC...
  12. Welcome to 343i Forums!! If you need anything Just ask!
  13. Hey Welcome To the Forums Buddy!! I hope you Enjoy Your stay!!
  14. Welcome Back to the Forums Evil Taco!!
  15. yes ive seen you today in the shoutbox!! Welcome To the 343i Forums Buddy!!
  16. WOW really?? Why? you Were one the first members who introduce me when I first Join!! Fine I hope you come and see us again!! Take care Buddy!
  17. No problem Buddy!! Welcome to the 343i Forums!!
  18. Hey Welcome to the Forums!! I hop you Enjoy your stay!
  19. Im sad to hear that, but you gotta do what cupman gotta do so Bye hope you Visit the 343 forums sometime in your life!
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