Hey guys,
I've been a huge halo fan since the beginning and I just wanted to share some ideas I have for Halo 4. I would like to suggest bring back a free-for-all game type. Now this would be different than Regicide. So keep regicide. You would be able to play standard slayer, koth, juggernaut, and oddball. Not only that you can also vote for weapon specific game variations such as all snipers only or shotguns, binary rifles, magnums, hammers, swords, or Railguns exc.
Another gametype I would like to see come back is Multi-team. 4 teams or 3-4 players face off. Also would love to be able to choose from the same game variants I listed for Free-for-all. These are both great game types that I think everyone would enjoy! Please post if you like and let me know what you think. Thanks