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Everything posted by drednot12345678

  1. it dos not matter the post game stats get messed up by it too, it would just by better if you toke of the bonus point and added 10-15 extra minutes the games are short as it is
  2. im getting sick of this, getting any kind of kill should give you only one kill thats why we get medals and should not be getting not bonus points.
  3. ok im not part of some stupid little clan, 343 just needs to put more time in heavies not give us a kill we didn't deserve and if you think you should get a point for nothing then maybe we should get a kill points for Evey shot that is fired then the heavies games would be over in a few seconds and you 3 year olds can go take a nap. halo its either you can play halo good like me and get the one kill point for the one kill you got or your a bad gamer and you should go try cod that game really likes making gamers feel good about them selfs cos in that game you get 100 points for one kill so y don't you go play that game instead of poisoning 343 thoughts with this " no bonus points are cool cus i cant play the game worth shi* so i need a second point to feel good about my self". What im saying here may not be nice and know i don't give i shi* about the feeling of the people that im hurting because i care about this game and i don't even know if i can call this halo any more this is a tough game were you have to work for your kills and if you think you deserve a bonus point for killing one guy/girl then you obviously don't care about it. I'm not mad at 343 their still learning how ppl (real gamers that don't need bonus points and don't puss* out of a fight with armor lock) want this game to be an honest mistake they can fix the bonus next up date 343 i know you have what it takes to make this game great please don't listen to these people take off bonus points.
  4. no we don't deserve bonus points the teams can earn these points the real way heavies is great but the bonus is killing it why could'ent they of point the bonus points in something else like campaign i mean i want to know how many kills i got thats what i thought the score bored was showing and thats what it should be showing reach never had bonus points because reach is a real game bonus points are something that game makes put in games for 8 and 10 year olds to make them feel good about them selfs reach is not for little kids, real gamers do not need to feel good about how many points they got they need to feel good about how many kills they got and im still trying to find out if thos stupid bonus points actually go in my K/D cus if they do then im not going to be able to play heavies anymore and thats like all i want to play so that suck why cant they just reward us with that sweat, sweat medal that we get when ever we get a head shot, beat down, assassination , spatter or a sticky and the "ONE" kill point we should be getting not two, your not killing two people with one beat down. So keep heavies in its perfect i have yet to find any other problem with it the bonus points are the only one i can find show 343 if your reading this then just take out bonus points and the heavies will be perfect.
  5. carts it dos not matter the foot solders are getting kills that they don't deserve and its messing with everyones real K/D score and foot solders can easily take down any of the enemy vehicles with the heavy weapons scattered in the maps what 343 should have down is put a copy of BTB heavies with no bonus and a copy with bonus to see what ppl would like but no they force this horrible plague of bonus points i mean i cant even fight as i could before because i am a real gamer and i want to get the kill points i deserve and not be babied by 343 so they need to take out the bonus points keep heavies in but take out the bonus points
  6. ok three your not the only person that plays reach, bloom is the best thing that happen to the game and ZB is the worst. Bloom makes it much more real if your asking for zero bloom and you think that bloom is a crap idea then you might as well ask for perfect auto aim and one hit kills anywhere on the enemy you are just mad because bungie made reach make you work more for you kills and zero bloom is so stupid if you have no bloom then the game is really playing itself for you so plz stop trying to ruin the game for others by saying take bloom off in all playlists and actually try and aim and work for your kills.
  7. Me and my friends love big team battle heavies its our new fav and so do a lot of people but the bonus points need to be taken off its not far for both teams when Evey time someone gets a head shot, beat down, assassination, spatter or a sticky kill they get an undeserved point if 343 doing this because its up to 200 kills and their is not enough time then just put like 20 or 30 more minutes in don't give us kills we didn't get because we want to see how many kills we got not how many kills points we got. 1 kill point for one kill thats how it needs to stay not two kill points for one its just not halo plz rate so that 343 will keep heavies in BTB but take out bonus points and make it fare.
  8. werid im the only one so fare that ive read about thats only pisse* about the bonus in heavies but i know that im not the only one who hate the bonus cus all of my friends hate the bonus we all love heaveis just hate the bonus points
  9. ok i get how some people are pissed about the playlists being taken off and i agree but that dos not mean i don't want new playlists to be added i mean BTB heavies I LOVE HEAVIES but they fuc*ed it up by putting in bonus points now i have to try my hardest not to get a headshot,beat down,assassination, spladder or sticky and because i cant do thos things without getting and undeserved kill point its affecting how good i do KEEP ALL THE NEW PLAYLIST BUT TAKE OUT BONUS POINTS PUT EVADE BACK IN AND PUT ALL THE OTHER PLAYLISTS back in i mean, 343 why cant we have all the playlists old and the new ones and if you going to take off and armor effect then take off armor lock so people cant puss* out of battles. keep heavies in BTB just take out the bonus crap heavies is great just not the bonus the bonus put is a crap idea.
  10. the real problem is the BTB bonus keep the BTB heaveis just take out the bonus its no fun geting points you dont really deserve and its to hard keeping track of how many kills you really got
  11. haloplaya is right take out the darn bonus crap its kills the game im going to have no will to play the game if i going to gets bonus points for my kills i want to know how many kills im really getting not this bonus crap its also killing my K/D please keep the heavies in but take out the bonus point the heavies is great i love it but the bonus points are killing the game
  12. take off the bonuses its a worrible idea because i want to know how many kills i got in that game and this stuped bonus thing is killing BTB take it out please
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