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Project Koopa

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Everything posted by Project Koopa

  1. Cool man welcome! Im new to the site as well and hope to get involved with the forge a lot too.
  2. Dark Water Hi guys. Dark Water is a close-quarters (and closed in) infection map that was build on the water of Forge World near the falls. It took a while to do and is one of my favorite maps I made, but dosn't have as many downloads as my other one. If you didnt already read my first post in Welcome section, I was coopdog113 when I made the map - I just recently changed my gt. I hope you guys like it! here are a few screenshots: Sure ill put some pics up showing the spawn areas in a little while, you cant really see them in these pictures. In the first picture if you go straight, the human spawn is in the room behind the wall you see. The zombies initial spawn areas are behind where the pic was taken at the opposite side of the map.
  3. Yea i love it, and might even spend 80$ on a HW2 if it came to that. I think the reason some disliked it was the fact that it was a RTS. I think a lot of people that play Halo don't really like or play RTS a lot. One thing HW did do was got a lot of my RTS playing friends with an xbox interested in Halo.
  4. Hello all, Im Project Koopa, you can call me Koopa or Cooper or whatever. Im a big Halo fan and have been playing since Halo 1. My two favorite games are Halo 3 and Halo Wars. Im a Force Colonel in H3 and General in HW. I also play Halo: Reach and love to forge. If you want to play or forge sometime hit me up. Project Koopa is also my gamertag, feel free to send a friend's request just let me know you are from the forums. For now Im going to go and try to post some maps up on the Forge Map forum, so check those out and let me know what you think! Also as a side note I changed my gt from coopdog113 to Project Koopa, so some of the maps say coopdog113 but that is me. peace!
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