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Killer K34

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Everything posted by Killer K34

  1. Im sorry but its been confirmed Brutes WILL NOT be in halo 4 - Frank o Conner
  2. The man was curious, why put his post down for not having anything you dont care or all ready know about. be positive
  3. finally, ill be able to be sick of the music before the game comes out
  4. This has possibility if you read glasslands and explains how this could of happened. In glasslands (after the human covenant war) there is a feud commencing with all the Sangheili Kaidon (high ranked elites) on what their next move should be after leaving the San’Shyuum (prophets). The arbiter wants to have a truce with the Humans so their people can rebuild on their homeworld after being so dependent on the covenants forces to grown their food and livestock. He wants them to be able to learn Agriculture, Architecture, Farming, etc. Some of the Kaidon such as Jul’Mdama believe they need to strike the humans now and wipe them out before they can spread to their other colony planets and gain strength faster then the elites and wipe them out. there is division within the planet and certain uprisings are being formed secretly by some sangheili monks of which want the same as Jul’Mdama. We do not know if they are ever able to attack and im not going to spoil the book but if the monks take power then they would form their fleets back up and use whatever resources available which i wont spoil either where they could come from. Hope this made sense to whom ever reads it
  5. I dont think we have enough information to apply a theory such as the didact geas so heavily until more reveals itself. Now with Faber it would be highly unlikely to have a character portrayed within an antagonsitic view to be imbedded into the main protaganict of the present (future) days of chief.
  6. The AI's will be updated in this game so the spartan IV's will be more affective. They also will have shields and be able to dish out more damage. possibly they could also use armor abilities so im sure they will be vey helpful throught the campaign. As a sidenote since there are so many of them im sure you'll see quite a few of them die.
  7. i almost think you shouldn't be able to get mark VII armor in multiplayer to let master chief be unique besides their designed for spartan II's not Spartan IV's
  8. DYN that tom laskey's older brother in the Forward Unto Dawn series is an ODST for the UNSC?
  9. war sphinxes had small probe like arms like discrided and seen on the knights. their probably just mechanical arms for delicate objects
  10. In the video they arent really marines. They are the children of major people with in the UNSC that have put their kids their like a military school. They arent supposed to have the same combat armor a marine has, just training armor reasoning also why they would wear glasses instead of a visor on their eyes. So in other words their supposed to look like training armor
  11. Concern 1: he is 14 so even though he does have the physicality of the olympian at this age, he still isnt going to sound like he is when he is almost 50 Concern 2:If you listen to the podcasts that have come out "sparkcast 14" and "Modcast waypoint episode 121" they talk about the aliens in the game and if you pay close enogh attention you see an invisable elite's footstep in the ground in the trailer. In this series the feel is supposed to represent what humanity first felt when they first encountered the covenant: A very mysterious ,scary,terrifing creature that can sneak up on you and tear you apart. the series is what you would say a sci-fy horror action film Concern 3:This is a seque into halo 4 as is Cryptum,Primordium,any other story plot that they put down on the halo four list 3 years ago. Considering that the filming only took 5 weeks in vancouver and that forge is being worked on by a seperate company, campaign is just being make to look better and better since its finished they have their staff working very productivly. Also all of this filming took place back in May when all of the other news came out, E3 on the bring, dealing with everything im sure they can handle this. with the spartan augmentations they had taken place, when they were of teenage years they alerady had the body of olympians and the intelligence of enhanced minds as if they were you daddy. However, he is still 14 -17 years of age and he is not going to sound exactly like he is his almost 50 year old self we know him as. John took the command of Chief over the other spartan IIs because of an exersize that took place when they were still kids and his will and determination to get every spartan out of the simulation alive even though they said everyone wouldnt make it out. Throu his leadership and thinking, he was able to accomplish the mission without leaving any of the spartan trainees behind. When this happened Dr Cathrine Halsey gave John the Chief role of the spartans in his childhood for she saw his potenial. He is the Master chief Petty officer grade (i cant remember lol) hope that helps
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7gm2UMCNS8&feature=player_embedded
  13. No, it sounds more like something faber would say thinking everyone else is lower then him, possibly it is why the didact is waking up so he can stop the master builder activating something like a halo array.....
  14. These type of comments are why i dont come to this site nearly as much as i used to
  15. if you ahve seen what the alpha stages of these main menus are and how the halo music is going i think that tis may possibly be the best main menu IN THE HALO UNIVERSE but that is my opinion since i heard their music
  16. Killer K34

    The Flood

    Im thinking possible cliffhanger.....
  17. passionate individuals you are, but remember your part of the community in halo as only a fraction of competitave players
  18. this thing is dead..........the last few archives have given us really nothing, unless we can relate this to the ESPN thing
  19. Im going on a wim here at saying most of you probably have not read the forerunner saga or at least into great detail. what he is saying is possible with the geas and everything and it would make sense for it to manifest itsself when he reached requiem, but i do not think the Didact is within the chiefs thoughts and memories. I do however have a similer theory that includes Geas and Cortana. Cortana is a smart AI that came from the one only Dr halsey. In order to do this they need the brain of an individual of great intellect to create this AI. Seeing that Halsey did not want to tear her own brain out, the instead Illegally cloned her own brain and used that for the creation of cortana. When an AI is first born, they can take or resemble any shape or form they well please. Some have taken forms of Greek gods, An asain lady, even a simple cube as an avater. If we look at cortana her first and kept shape is of a little blue lady that has resemblance to halsey. Now, i want you to focus on the idea of a Small blue lady that can fit inside someones head, does this sound familiar. Ancillas (forerunner AIs) had this very same form and is the only form we see shaped to the resemblance to whosoever is the caretaker within the armor of the moment. How would an AI 100,000 years later with no contact to forerunner technology be able to know of this form??? My theory is this, through the act of Geas they were either transfered from generation to generation or implanted within them at birth into humans to today. this being so that would mean Dr. Halsey would have a Gea and forerunner at that explaining how she is able to read forerunner glyphs so well. when she cloned her brain for cortana i think that is transfered a gea from halsey to cortana giving her passive knowledge on forerunners giving her that ancilla look from the very beginning. Now seeing that certain events are what spark geas into action its possible with either the visit unto requiem or running into a certain being (possibly the Didact or another forerunner. . . .)could trigger this gea to activate possibly causeing this rampancy to crack but could also be the solution to solve the rampancy since the forerunners solved it with their Ancillas.
  20. Right now im reading it through the third time and im highlighting important parts in the book to the forerunner technologys with different colored highlighters and im taking notes on my highlighted sections thats how good the book is
  21. "You are what you dare" - The Librarian

    1. XenoPrometheanRunnerX98


      Even Bornstellar said that quote as well...

  22. you Idiotic people are the reason AC never comes back onto here, you have no proof whatsoever to show anything worth to your miserable cyberlife unlike AC who has many archives sent to us so whyat makes you better then any other poser and saying in due time or such means your a fraud with no proof
  23. Yes if you listen to lots of halo podcasts then you might of heard of Grimbrotherone who put out the spekulation that they could possibly be Florians that were infused with forerunner technology or even just ancient humans for that manner.
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