I am going to ignore insulting you for insulting my intelligence and try to ignore you joining any post about elites and insulting everyone that makes a comment. You want to know why i prefer a smaller species of humans compare to the elites, its simple they're as bloodthirsty of a race like the Jirahanae. The only reason they are so brutelike and not as tech savy is because they had a stellar cival war forcing all of their goverments and technoledgys back many centuries. By the time they started climbing again for their lost ways, the covenant attack and forced them into their ranks in their current social higharchy of alphas and such.
The sangheili are very similar as to their love for war. In the past it wasnt always this way, they used to live on sangheilos like we do here on earth with many organized systems set in place with farmers warriors politicians, to the simple merchants and mechanics. Alot of their religeon was based on forerunner artifacts on their homeworld as temples overall showing this was a very well put together society, however this was thousands of years ago. As they were in this state the San Shyuum attacked them and eventually made a treaty where alls the elites did were to serve as the warriors of the prophets and protect them while they took this great jouney together and progress through the ages (sometimes multiple of the same ages) together.
When this became the system the sangheili lost most of their formal ways to the thousands of years of being ruthless warriors, so by the time the covenent was ended by the uprising of the elites, they had no past knowledge of their traditions of other then how to become a warrior. So now we are stuck with a species that loves the thought of bloodthirsty war even more so then jiralharae and humans.
So i dont see why you are so proud to belong to a race that has little to no emotions, only cares about the sight of bloodshed, and whos whole system back on their homeworld is collapsing because they can't even remember how to farm (if it werent for their brute slaves and grunts doing their other utility things they would be even worse off). I would respect your race if they were how they were before they were tainted with the prophets hands. So why dont you bring down that pride of yours a little and stop insulting my intelligence when i represent a species whos intellect and knowledge surpasses your race instead of just glassing planets. Oh, and it would be nice if you would stop trolling those who have a comment about the elites in halo 4.