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Everything posted by III KoDiaK III

  1. Cortana and Giofosho.... I realize he is on a large human ship... that is why in my original post I stated that "he should have no access to human vehicles/weapons other than what he takes with him off the wreck." After he has used up whatever ammo you can carry in game, those weapons should be useless. ie. there should be no where that he can find ammo for human weapons if on an alien planet, on a regular basis anyways. I understand that if, like Pope 138 said that if there are other crashed human ships on the planet that he may stumble upon them and get some ammo/weapons from them, but again... the ammo available to carry would be limited. That's all I'm saying.
  2. I have a question for 343 or anyone else that may for some reason may know the answer. Why in the portions of video from what looks to be the campaign in the first look video is Master Chief using Human weapons??? Unless the portions that we see are from the very beginning of the game when the Chief leaves the ship or possibly flashbacks or if they end up taking him to a human colony in the campaign... there should be no reason that he should be using human weapons/verhicles. If he is on a Forerunner planet/s then he should have no access to human weapons/vehicles other than what he takes off the wreck with him. We should be introduced to all new alien weapons and really that should be all he would have access to. I would be seriously disappointed in 343 if they decided to find some cheeseball way that the Chief has access to human guns/ammo on a Forerunner planet.
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