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Everything posted by Noahsammy99

  1. My april fools SUCKED. I reached my offline credit limit and its only been giving me 80 or less permatch. Including every thing that has to do with every skull being on while playing on legendary mode.
  2. Well I like halo 3 n all but I dont have the live to participate
  3. I like to play odst but when I go to a beacon 20% of the time its there and 80% of the time its not. Help,me 343 your my only hope.
  4. Im finished but inorder to atatch it to my paintball suit I need velcro. I even made hand guards. I also need gorilla glue. Heres my pics. Crap file is too big to be uploaded. Well my shoulder armor looks like hazop armor. Knee looks like fj para. Chest looks like odst. Hands look like standard hand armor.
  5. Im finished but inorder to atatch it to my paintball suit I need velcro. I even made hand guards. I also need gorilla glue. Heres my pics. Crap file is too big to be uploaded. Well my shoulder armor looks like hazop armor. Knee looks like fj para. Chest looks like odst. Hands look like standard hand armor.
  6. Im finished but inorder to atatch it to my paintball suit I need velcro. I even made hand guards. I also need gorilla glue. Heres my pics. Crap file is too big to be uploaded. Well my shoulder armor looks like hazop armor. Knee looks like fj para. Chest looks like odst. Hands look like standard hand armor.
  7. HahahahHahahah lolololllolololoolooolooloolllooll ol lololloloolp
  8. Lol zb. ...... Really am I the only one left besides you at night. Im here to stay guys. I HAZ XBOX IN ROOM NOW!!
  9. My dad let me keep the xbox in my room! I didnt se that coming

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DaveAtStateFarm
    3. Zuko 'Zarhamee

      Zuko 'Zarhamee

      You got an Xbox 360 and TV in your room? You're really lucky, dude!

    4. CHAKAS
  10. My dad let me keep the xbox in my room! I didnt se that coming

    1. ZB-85


      Yaya. gaming all night.

  11. Im not on this list. And you put zag twice. Put me in one of his places. Plzzzzz ive gaind nuff popularity to be one of the top twenty. On more thing....... Y is it just guys. You should make a girls list so people dont think 343 and the people who use this site are genderist.
  12. Ouch an over pass. That had to be painful to watch
  13. I did put in the "maybe" part. Im not leaveing you guys have convinced me. To continue the game and complete the campaign, so to speek. Would I really ditch all this and ruin my rep on here. Nope, im staying here with my friends. :-)
  14. So is this the end of my fight? I go into insanity at the end? Do I commit suicide to avoid the flesh tearing concequinces of my sins? I guess this is good by for good? Maybe not. just incase it is I want to say good bye to some of the friends ive made here. Shadow magnum, nova, donut, zb, azaxx, mystic, zag, church, caboose, 343 and..... Halo. My fight is mostlikley finished. If you are my friend and your not on the list, dont take it personaly. These are the guys I remembered off the top of my head.
  15. Something is wrong with me. Im having blackouts, shorterm memorie loss that recovers in 2 days, and I have these involentary actions like throwing things. Am I going insane or mental?

  16. Good ideas. In odst they had night time maps. Scarabs and no back up or vehicles. I kinda get frusterated with just normal wraiths. Ill lose it against a scarab.
  17. Yeah thats it kurt! Well I guess our tech is catching up with,halo.
  18. Here are some funny pictures I found on google
  19. I,have a tablet. Its how I was able to write this. Its how I comkunicate with you guys. I have a dell streak 7. There are periodic updates for tablets all for free. Trust me this thing is nowhere near as fun as my 360
  20. I swear today I saw the most insane thing in my life!! It was a fully functional falcon! Double rotatable blades n all. Im not kidding. My neighbor says planes flie 24/7. Ps I live by a airfield, thats y
  21. Me too. Thanks to the original noah I discovered halo. My name is not noah. Noahsammy99 is the gamertag noah gave me. Live wnet screwy. I dont have live anyway.
  22. Y is it just guys. I though it ment girls. Well girls that like halo or videogames are rare period.
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