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Victory Element

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Everything posted by Victory Element

  1. The mobile app also has my stats for halo reach and not halo 4
  2. I can't post any links at the moment, but the trailers for Star Wars: The Old Republic were truly spectacular. The actual game is nothing to special, but those trailers got my adrenaline going. There's maybe 3 or so of those trailers, so I would highly recommend checking them out, even if you're not a star wars fan
  3. I can't say that i've ever spoken with you before, but this was a great mom thread. Its about time that I get to know you now, so I'll say hi if I happen to see you in the shoutbox
  4. i do repsect your opinion, but i only wanted to share a piece of insformation that i found. I'm too tired at the moment to debate, so i will let your statement stand as it is
  5. With all due respect, I believe that you greatly underestimate the power of the flood. When a flood spore infects an organism, it gains control over all of the knowledge that host previously held. This knowledge is interpreted in order to find the locations of more possible hosts and use the technology of other races. Once the flood begins to thrive within an area, a proto-gravemind begins to evolve. These flood forms only evolve from the most intelligent hosts that have been infected, which includes mainly military officers, pilots, and engineers. They keep their victims alive, and slowly torture their minds in order to gain key knowledge. This is the first form of flood leadership. If the flood has proper conditions to grow even more, a gravemind will develop. Graveminds serve as leaders to all flood organisms within their control and work as a communication hub. A telepathic consciousness is shared among all flood units when a gravemind is present, and this allows them to statigically coordinate attacks using knowledge gained by indivuduals. the flood is no foot fungus you say the flood is not sentient, and i will agree that is a valid statement in the flood's early stages. But as the flood evolves and begins to thrive, that becomes a whole new story. As i said above, once a gravemind is developed, a telepathic consciousness is shared among all of the flood units. The gravemind takes an important leadership role, and does not rely purely on instinct such as a queen bee would. a gravemind is able to coordinate strategic attacks, as well as negotiate with other organisms. Take halo 3 as an example, the gravemind freely chose to form a truce with the human forces, but later decided to betray them. This is an action that could only be possible with an ability to reason. the ability to reason is a feature only shared by sentient life, the flood is much more complex than you may think
  6. Its great to see a positive post every once in a while. 343 had made some mistakes, but this is their opportunity to learn from them
  7. After thinking a bit more, i'm trying to figure out what would happen to the flood after it achieves its main purpose.... After every life form has been infected by the parasite.... Will they still be perfect if they no longer have the same goal?? Do they evolve in some way to form a new society?? I am really not sure
  8. I recently remembered a little piece of halo knowledge that i picked up a while back. I'm pretty sure i saw it on the halo waypoint application on my xbox, but i cant be so sure about this. Anyways, i just wanted to discuss the utopian society that is in the halo universe. You might be thinking "what the heck are you talking about?" , but please allow me to explain. First of all, utopia can be generally defined as a perfect society. That probably seems to be the last thing that is present in the halo universe, but it is there indeed. the society that i am refering to is literally perfect one its own, with no internal conflict whatsoever. It is a violent culture though, and it uses its perfection as one of its greatest advantages over some of the other life in the galaxy. This society consists of one species only.... and that is the flood. Yes, it is true, just think about this. The entire species works together towards a common goal, which is pretty much to infect any possible hosts and continue to reproduce. they do not have any second thoughts or conflicting parties in their society, they simply all work in unison without question. Eventually a gravemind or proto-gravemind can develop, which establishes a sense of leadership and organization. Every single organism of the flood works to accomplish the same goal and advance their species. Utopia I do find this fact somewhat disturbing, that a paracstic species has perfected a way of life. compare this to modern day humans, and how everyone just looks for their own personal pleasure. but the flood all work in unison for a good cause....well, at least to them it is a good cause.this has made me question what perfection really is, and this idea can turn into a very philosophical discussion. I'm very interested in hearing the community's thoughts about this. do you agree? disagree?? Any responses are appreciated, thanks for reading
  9. The guys in star wars figured out how to destroy individual planets (death star). Forerunners decided they had to take everyone down with them (halo rings)..... Star wars guys are much smarter in that sense. But then that brings up the threat of the flood....how would that affect the star wars guys..?
  10. well, this may not have been specifically on the forums, but it was with a bunch of forum members. Some of us got together online one saturday and partied up to do some big team battle. I do recall Spades and Vaulting Frog being there, possibly Sweaty Bagels. sorry if you were there but i did not meantion you name. Anyways, someone meantioned how they played a game of BTB one time where everyone on their team used the autosentry ability. They positioned inside of a building and set up those littles guys at every door, so it would be a challenge to break in. We felt a nit noobish at that moment, so we decided to try it out......well, lets say it didnt work very well. The next game, i reccomended that we all use holograms as our armor ability so team would look like it doubled in size. We start the game on Exile and everyone sends off their holograms in the straightaway by the scorpion. It all worked perfectly from that point on. The other team wasted all of their power weapons on the decoys and could never tell when they were looking at real players. by the end of the game, the entire other team had rage quit and were completely replaced with new guys who quit throughout the game. It was a very entertaining time..... well at least for our team . I highly reccomend this strategy if you have a full team of 8 that you can work together with. It may make you look like a noob, but it works amazing
  11. this is not the place for this topic. There is a section called "invitations" for the purpose of game invites and such. You can ask a mod to move this for you, or you can just start a new topic in the correct section. Good luck my friend
  12. it will come as a DLC for sure. They couldnt just stop it here
  13. it seems very logical in multiplayer games like CTF, but in regards to halo fiction, i dont see much of purpose. Both players are extremely exposed and only one can fire his weapon..... which isnt even a vehicle weapon
  14. beam rifle is very effective on infantry. I wish i could use it in team snipers.... but the sniper rifle can damage vehicles much more..... it gotta be a tie for me
  15. rocket laucher has almost the same strength as an incineration canon, but its got 2 in the barrel which makes it better
  16. light tifle scoped is 2 hit kill with damage boost. I've been recently trying out that gun and it has been pleasing so far
  17. rockets arent used enough for me to judge, machine gun is almost useless in halo 4, but the guass is very effective
  18. they could probably be issuing more battle rifles to marines and such because of their efficiency. The magnum is probably one of the most overpowered sidearms that i've ever used in a video game..... but i guess its still considered a sidearm. DMR stands for designated marksman rifle, so it cant be issued to everyone out there because it for the best shooters. Power weapons are probably a lot more expensive to produce. And for the AR..... i guess its ok.....sometimes....... not really.....
  19. Victory Element


    From the album: sigs

  20. Victory Element


    my sigs
  21. that is truely spectacular insignia...... again, if there's anything i can do to repay you, just ask
  22. ok, thanks for clearing that up. I've been checking to see if my request was completed because its been almost a week I think. i can wait though, i completely understand your situation. Take your time, no pressure
  23. Only in custom games, otherwise it would ruin the game
  24. Halo waypoint has been posting a bunch of these on twitter, lol
  25. im alright with roland, but if 343 is looking for some comic relief.... they should definately add in a sgt johnson AI
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