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Victory Element

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Everything posted by Victory Element

  1. i knew you would find this topic soon. lol. its nice to see some approval from a reliable source such as you. its too bad the book got delayed though
  2. anyone else think halo needs a new close quarters weapon for the covenant?? the humans have the shotgun, the prometheans have the scattershot... i thinks its time the covies have their chance. I'm just looking to hear some cool ideas for this weapon. For example, would it be plasma based, needles, spikes, fuel rod, etc
  3. i've never heard anyone complain about the BR. its been the DMR getting all the hate
  4. agreed. Also try to work with your team and surround it from all angles, because it can only look one direction at a time
  5. wow bagels.... you must have spent a long time on that reply
  6. i think the ROF for the BR should be amped up a notch and the scope for DMR shortened a bit
  7. same with me. I have special objective gametype loadouts with the AR as my secondary
  8. i like Halsey's character and personality
  9. i think the contents of halo:Silentium may foreshadow some of the events in halo 5. but we'll have to wait a few weeks
  10. i'm sure we'll even end up repeating the old ones because they were so interesting
  11. does anyone else like the new character of Dr. Halsey as much as i do?? I think 343 did a great job with her character. She's like this bad*ss old lady who is proably the smartest human alive. she shows passion in her work, but she's got an attitude and isn't afraid to use some sarcasm her whole personality is just brilliant to me. any thoughts?
  12. does anyone know if it will be free? or will it be like a 800MS point DLC
  13. i find your question to be in a very ironic place at the moment
  14. i cant believe people are still posting these angry rants...... i dont have anything to say here
  15. for your second question, if you have the standard button layout, use the Y-button. You will see the reticule change shape, and that means you have changed the firing mode of the banshee
  16. Okay, so i have this feeling that master chief's actions seem to almost reflect those of the Didact. To understand, you will have to have read the forerunner novels, or at least a summary of them. 1) war hero- The Didact was one of the highest ranked forerunners in their military. Best known for destroying the threat of humanoty to the forerunners. Master chief is the heart and soul of the UNSC. He has saved humanity numerous times from both covenant and the flood. Both are probably the greatest warriors of their races 2) female comapnions- Didact is spouse of the Librarian. the librarian is very intelligent and seeks peace for all. Cortana is chief's AI companion who wants to keep him safe at all costs. She is a sort of copy of dr. Halsey, who is probably humanities greatest scientist. cortana and the Librarian just seem very similar to me 3) halo rings- Master Chief has been fighting to prevent the firing of the halo rings. The Didact originally fought so that they would not be fired, but the forerunners became desperate and it was their last resort. Possibly foreshadowing that cheif may have to fire the rings because of the flood?? end of halo 6? 4) downfalls- didact is exiled by the master builder on a flood infested planet. He is suppossedly left for dead, but from what we know, he is still alive. This is going to be in the book Silentium which is released in January i think. Captain del Rio left Chief behind on requiem, and probably thought he would be killed by the didact. But he survived just as the didact did. The contents of silentium may possibly foreshadow more of what Chief will do in halo 5 5) Chief can hear the didact's voice in his consciousness. This implies that chief has the geas of the Didact, so they may have an extremely distant connection. But that also made me wonder why chief could hear the voices of cortana and gravemind in halo 3. I may be wrong with all of this geas stuff Sorry if this topic is a bit hard to follow. Its a random compilation of thoguhts that i just threw together. It all makes sense in my head, but the hard part for me is getting it into words. Also, i have any of this info wrong, kindly correct me so i can rethink this subject
  17. you dont have to buy the books and read them all. Thats what libraries are for, or you could just look up plot summaries for each book
  18. well, i thought it would be nice to come back to this old thread which created so much discussion..... back in the good'ol days Anyways, this mystery seems cleared up to me. Prometheans have human souls, which explains the human skulls behind their helmets. and to think, 8 pages just trying to figure that out...... but it created some memorable discussions.
  19. As long as the war games system is in place, elites will not not be playable. Spartan 4s don't need to get the perspective of an elite if they are in training, ...... considering they will never become an elite......
  20. I always think to myself in my free time "I should be doing something productive orur something that entertains me". arguing is neither of the two, and I often wonder why people use their free time to fight with others when they could be doing something better. It has no logic behind it, but certain people find their opinion to be better than everyone else's, so they rub it in their faces and seem to get pleasure out of it..... this world is messed up...
  21. I completely agree. I don't remember ever playing a football game without a team to back me up.... And I can pretty much say the same about halo
  22. I'll stick with master chief because everyone around him always seems to die.... Johnson is dead, cortana is dead, most of the original Spartans are dead, every bad guy he's laid his eyes on is dead.... Yet he is still alive. I'd rather not be a corpse if I had the choice
  23. This sounds so weird coming from the username "digitalvirus". rotfl
  24. That is a very interesting start, but its a shame that I don't use mobility.....
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