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Victory Element

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Everything posted by Victory Element

  1. I've got some 2XP codes that I need to get rid of, 10 codes to be exact. I'm not fond of giving out my address and phone number to mountain dew, but I have these codes and i'm not going to end up using them. Id like to put those 10 codes alongside a code for 2 Weeks of xbox live gold to make an offer for any armor skins I can get. I also have a code for the forest hazop skin that i'm willing to trade away. I know this is a bit late and most people have probably used their codes already, but I need to get rid of this stuff. I'm highly interested in the raptor skin and locus helmet if anyone has those codes, but I may accept other offers. Pm me or leave a reply to this topic if interested
  2. You should get them after they're released, but then again, it still says you have to purchase the map pass. If you had them already ,I would assume that it would say "download again", not make you purchase them. I'm afraid i'm not the expert on this topic either, but I hope you are able to solve this problem soon
  3. Fotus is an acronym for fist of the unicorn skin. It looks like that for a reason. Lol Fotus is an acronym for fist of the unicorn skin. It looks like that for a reason. Lol
  4. Thanks jester. I'm looking forward to seeing how much that number grows between now and halo 6
  5. i thought a mod could probably find this out pretty quickly. I look at the number of topics in each section and there almost 100+ in most sections, 1000+ in a few. I was just interested in finding out the number of topics for the entire website. Maybe even the number of total posts on this whole website. If someone wanted to do the math, just leave a reply. If a mod can find this out easily, leave a reply as well.
  6. those hog vs. ghost encounters used to be a missmatch back in the day, but now that ghost stands almost as much of a chance as the hog itself
  7. sometimes those marines just piss me off, other times i love having them around. Its a pet peeve when they simply run into the battle without me and get themselves killed when i need someone to gun in my warthog later on. Or when theres one marine left and i need him to get on the tuuret in my hog, but he thinks hes a big shot and hops in the passenger seat with his little magnum. lol. I really wish there were some sort of commands that we could use in the game to hold them back or advance them in comabt so we can use them to their full effectiveness. Maybe just up and down on the d-pad?? But, i do love switching all the AI's guns with scavenged fuel rod guns. Those guys can wreak havoc when they have those things. i also feel bad when they die because it feel likes its all my fault. I would like to know they are alive and well while i am busy being master chief. I only really need them when they have fuel rods or when im in a vehicle
  8. lets think about this a bit. Theres maybe like 10-12 different playlists for war games to choose from. Once all of the spartan ops missions for season 1 come out, there will be 25 episodes to choose from..... thats way too much to have available for matchmaking alongside the war games playlists
  9. to start off, i will say that i really do like the new look of the warthogs. But otherwise i'm not pleased..... these warthogs are extremely noisy. As a drvier, that roaring engine is a pain the neck. In reach, the warthog's turret was the noise that i noticed, but now its the engine and the turret..... Secondly, the turrets. The rocket hog seems fine to me with its mechanics and accuracy, but the other ones are disasppointing. The machine gun turret, both in the hog and mounted, has a very odd reticule. Its starts out as small dot that looks like it could fire sniper rounds, but after you start firing it blooms to the area of the whole surrounding box. It makes concentrated firing feel akward and i feels i have fire in bursts to maintain any accuracy. The turrets in other halos were ok for me, because they didnt bloom and the reticule always stayed the same. also, the machine gun doesnt feel like it does much effective damage to enemies. And finally, the gauss hog. the rate of fire is a bit too slow. I know they tried to nerf it a bit so it wasnt OP, but it feels almost underpowered now. the hog used to be a very effective vehicle in BTB if used correctly, but in halo 4, its not doing the trick. The damage and new reticule has made them loose the power that they originally had. This is all my personal opinion. If you disagree, please reply in a respectful manner. Theres no need to go on any rants. We're all here for the same reason (halo), so lets try to get along
  10. just increase the chamber rate for the BR. It will get a faster rate of fire which will make it more dominant in mid/close range situations compared to the DMR. The DMR will still be effective at mid range and keep its long range advantage (just like it was meant to have)
  11. i actually havent thought about this before.... In the past you could do custom games with the infected people having sniper rifles and stuff, but i guess its not an option now...
  12. ok, the DMR may have some slight advantages, but theres no need to keep complaining that it is OP. If you were a smart player, you would stop whining and learn to use the DMR. If you think one is better than the other, its common sense to use the more effective one. Am I right? or am I right? yes, the BR is a halo classic, but if its not working the way you want it to, then learn to use another weapon. Games change, its a fact. Some people dont seem to like that fact. But in nature, if you dont adapt, you die. Its a natural law thats showing itself in halo at this very moment. You cant stay attached to things forever adapt or die.... simple as that
  13. simple as that. I will trade a forest skin code for a raptor skin code if you want to negotiate more, i have 9 2XP codes that i need to get rid of and 2 weeks of xbox live gold leave a reply or message me if intersted
  14. i thought i heard something about a halo 2 HD remake. I dont think they would do it for the launch though. I would expect it to come out after halo 5
  15. i'm not sure why you would want to lower your weapon in multiplayer, considering it wont help you or your team do anything productive. When a person lowers their weapon in dominion, its just to give them a sense of vaunerability when they capture a base. Also, i would not expect to see a dedicated forge world like in reach
  16. i am very pleased with what i have seen so far. Its fun, fresh each week, and a great way to get XP but there are its downsides. There is a lot of lag in matchmade games and using the same environments gets a bit boring after a while. but using war games maps has made things interesting
  17. i heard halo 5 was coming out between 2013 and 2015, so microsoft has plenty of time. but seriously, halo 4 hasnt even been out a month, lets not get ahead of ourselves
  18. if its only $200 without the kinect, I'm going to be so happy. this year for Christmas, theres not much i really want, so i just asked for money that i can save for the 720 when it comes out. I'll be ready
  19. well, you have more likes than me with less posts, so i'll give you credit for that
  20. Well, it's good thing my computer isn't working right. Otherwise I may have tried it by now. Lol. Please do not try this offer anyone
  21. the generators were arranged by store, so you would pick the store with the armor skins you wanted. I figured it was so you had a choice. I saw a YouTube vid and a guy downloaded it and ran antivirus software in it as well
  22. did you even compare the pictures??
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