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Victory Element

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Everything posted by Victory Element

  1. thank you. I wish to see you come to the big 1k sometime in the future as well
  2. i think i may have actually locked a deal with someone else. But if that doesnt work out, i know that i can go to you
  3. Oh thank God. I will message you on xbox for sure. I'm actually getting my Forest and possibly the Arctic from another guy. the Gamestop code printer was broken when he picked up the game, so they told him to go back for the code later on. he is reliable, so don't worry. I will get you the codes as soon as receive them
  4. Do you happen to have the raptor skin?? I will offer a trade if you do Do you happen to have the raptor skin?? I will offer a trade if you do
  5. i am looking for a raptor skin. I want that armor really bad and i am willing to trade my codes for it. i can offer the forest skin for sure and as an addition, i can throw in either 8 games of 2XP or the arctic BR skin. i'm not sure sure which one of these two i will have available i will do almost anything for that raptor skin
  6. i can trade a forest armor skin for just the raptor skin. I PMed you a message. PM me back if you are interested
  7. i doubt that this will happen anytime soon. I'd give it maybe a year or so. Halo 4 has 10 fresh maps and 3 DLCs are already announced. no need for forge maps at this point
  8. give 'em a break. Its 343's first halo game, they have time to improve. Let them learn from their mistakes and give them chance. They had no beta, so thats maybe why they didnt have much feedback beforehand to adjust the game
  9. well it was repurposed for peace, remember? Thats probably why it has no ODSTs. Those guys are always in the heart of the battle, but the infinity wasnt expecting any battle
  10. there was massive bloom in reach, so this is not a solid comparisson
  11. i think it should be made very similar to evade. That was useful in combat and it was also good for mobility. with sprint as a default, it has to be boosted up a notch to make it worth using in war games
  12. i will provide as much support as i can if you ever need help with this topic
  13. does anyone know if there is a way to take images from my laptop and transfer them to my xbox?? More specifically, i want to put my profile pic for this website as my profile pic on xbox. Im not sure if its even possible, but if there is way, could someone please inform me. thank you
  14. i thought there was a DLC coming out with all of the special pre order and LE armors??
  15. This is a genius idea. You may want to raise the cap to 60 as you said, but this should definitely be implemented. Have you brought this up to the mods at all yet??
  16. I'm sure 343I will learn from their mistake and add a beta. They did have it playable at E3 and other conventions, but that's proven not to be enough feedback from what we have seen
  17. They did Nerf it a lot. I find myself missing a lot of jumps as well. I would hope that we see a boosted jet pack in the future. Even in reach when it was op, it's not like it drastically changes the combat
  18. That's not necessarily how it works. Without a beta, people can only make judgment from ads and gameplay clips, so you can't say that everyone loved the game going into release. They simply had high expectations, so they bought it
  19. I'm not sure if anyone is very interested in hearing more complaining than we've already heard. Why don't you go complain to the thousands of people that are having fun playing halo 4 right now
  20. You've just turned yourself into the perfect example of why the forums are being ruined. Posts like this are the problem that I have addressed. also, If you paid attention to my topic, you would have noticed that I was not taking sides on wether halo 4 is good or bad. So i'm not sure why you are complaining here
  21. I love your 117 reference. Very clever. I'll send you a FR when I get the chance
  22. i do have to agree. The gunner would be of no avail without the driver, and they do an equal amount of work. both are essential to succeed, so both should be cedited equally. But your listed rank on the scoresheet shouldnt matter as long as you helped your team. But using the points to rank up is a whole different story
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