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Victory Element

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Everything posted by Victory Element

  1. this is correct. A small game of infinity slayer cant be played on a map designed for a BTB
  2. i have to agree with this. the camo would be much more evffective without the jammer, since you alert enemies of your presence and lose your own radar. Just invisiblity with no red reticule would be afficient enough. I also think a cool idea would be to have a radar jammer as its own armor ability. It would disable enemy radars around you for a short period of time, but it would allow the player using the jammer to see their regular radar. just like the equipment in halo 3
  3. you have be SR50 in order to use any specializations. But i assumed a code would have been included with the LE... it doesnt matter that much though. If you play halo 4 on xbox live before a certain date, then you can get the specializations even without the LE
  4. probably the length of time it would take to get the rank field marshall in reach. just a guess from this point, there is a lot of end game content
  5. the game still has like 2 hours before release .....and all the good stuff is already found.......
  6. dang..... how do peolpe find these so fast... the game isnt even out yet......
  7. by the end of this new halo trilogy, i'm sure there will be so much truth that we fans never get to discover BTW Tallgeese, congrats on 2K+ posts
  8. i guess we may need a new covenant species in the future
  9. i'll take the deal the deal for the forest skin. Maybe the arctic skin if i can get some mega XP codes
  10. i'm going to buy it in stores so i dont have to worry about buying points
  11. i think we need Adamj04 to check this one out
  12. i wonder if any of these vids, like this one and the iceberg one are clues for the fututre of halo. Could they mean the Didact will go to Earth at some point in the fututre?? maybe halo 5 or 6?
  13. so many hidden symbols and messages..... thats why i love halo
  14. the soundtrack of a game influences the emotion of the story so much more than most people realize...... and i am pleased
  15. one of the longest posts i have ever read..... but nice to hear your story. And welcome to the forums
  16. i am very interested in the forest skin, but i would like to find out a bit more about the DLC and how much it will cost. I'm not going to spend 800ms points($10) just for some skins
  17. hello guys, i was just wondering if anyone wanted to exchange some halo 4 codes with me. I will not get the chance to pre-order halo 4, but i am looking to get my hands on at least one pre-order skin. I am willing to exchange DewXP codes in return for any exlusive armor skins. I can guaruntee 5 XP codes from this point, and i plan on getting more codes, possibly a megaXP or 2. We can negottiate more once i have some offers The pre-order bonuses that i'm interested in order would be: 1) forest camo/hazop 2) arctic BR skin 3) Raptor Skin/venator 4) deadeye helmet 5) web skin/CIO ***also, if you are receiving the LE are willing to give any codes for the exlusive LE skins, etc., i will gladly accept those as well leave a response or PM me if you are interested in echanging codes. I will probably have to choose a single offer, due to my current shortness on XP codes. i will have more codes soon, don't worry!! Thanks for reading this, and i hope you guys consider this
  18. that makes sense. I'll send you a FR when i get the chance
  19. i know right..... this could mean soooo much
  20. hey, do you have an XBL account?? I sent a friend request to the GT "Tallgeese" like it says on your profile, but it has been pending for months now. I've been hoping to play with you sometime
  21. i have 1080, so i really cant say that i see a difference..... because ive never used 720
  22. i have that feeling in my gut as well..... he has tried to stop the halos from firing, similar to how the Didact fought against firing the rings maybe the forerunner fiction is a sort of foreshadowing or mirror for what will come.....
  23. 1080 or 720..... it all looks great to me
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