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Victory Element

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Everything posted by Victory Element

  1. if only i could decide on an armor ability..... i'm just waiting to see which one i find to be the best for me. In reach, i always used sprint, which is now a default, so i get to pick another goodie
  2. i always thought that 343 should use the BPR for matchmaking, and use a progression system for armor and customizations
  3. every time i see anything that has to do with halo 4, i get an adrenaline rush...... this week better go by fast
  4. ok, so it can kill a player, but what happens if it drops on vehicle??
  5. Victory Element


    i would do it, but i dont have much time for xbox, except on the weekends. And i'd like to beat the legendary campaign before i start spartan ops, so i may be a bit behind my GT is my username
  6. yeah, that thought just came to my mind as well
  7. i had the same exact problem. I went to pre order my LE too late and it was sold out everywhere. So my new plan is to call my local retail stores right before the midnight release, and check to see if they received any extra copies of the LE in their inventory. IF they received any copies that werent reserved by pre order, then i'll be at that store at midnight
  8. halo has always tried to keep a balance between the players. No one starts out with an advantage until they get it themsleves, whether its a power weapon or strategic position. The custom loadouts in halo 4 are not meant to give players advantages, but just add more diversity to the styles of play. Also, giving certain players and advantage will somewhat discourage other players
  9. i loved using it to flip vehicles, but i loved using it even more on players with the energy sword. They would sprint straight at me but the concussion rifle would send them soaring back. lol
  10. lol. If its a pelican, i would expect it to be a bit more durable
  11. i'm excited for all of the forerunner weapons and see how they change halo. The mantis will also be a lot of fun to try out
  12. this could be why the didact captures MC and doesnt just kill him. It is probably similar to how the covenant needed humans to activate the halos
  13. why havent i heard about this yet :wallbash: ??? wait, but how would this fit into halo 2 hd remake that i heard about? and the making of halo 5?
  14. so this could could end up as a 4 way fight....? humans vs. covies vs. orange prometheans vs. blue prometheans
  15. i could try that. I plan on calling each store the night before release to see if they received any extra copies in their inventory
  16. *disolves right when this comment is made* no souvenirs this time around
  17. that is actually a really good comparison. But the only problem is that this situation would go on for entire matches, not the 3 minute time boundary on invasion
  18. Victory Element


    if 343i ever adds pelicans, phantoms, or mamoths into forge, then they will make the fan community so happy. It will also make machinimas a lot more realistic
  19. not necessarily. Prometheans were origninaly forerunner warriors that made up the body of their military forces. The prometheans that are on requiem are defense AIs, that were stationed there to protect either the shield world, the Didact, or the ancient weapon inside of it
  20. same with me, as long they act mature enough
  21. i know gamers who are sponsored by gamestop and are paid for achieving certain requirements in each game(i.e. win and 20+ kills= $20). but it is not enough to serve as a profession
  22. i'm going to have to go with strength in numbers as well. The grunts and drones would provide an effective distraction, their are mutiple snipers, and the elites are very well armed
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