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Victory Element

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Everything posted by Victory Element

  1. " Tank beats ghost......Tank beats hunter......tank beats everything!"
  2. we dont even know that much about editing options for Spartan ops in halo 4. Slow down a bit because halo 5 has around 2+ years to come
  3. im doing best buy. I like the raptor skin that it has, and i live like 5 mins from the store
  4. you always find these great links Tallgeese keep it up
  5. i dont think more blood will stop 7 year olds from buying this. It already has an M rating and this hasnt stopped their parents from getting the game for them. One more word underneath the M wont solve anything but in my personal opinion, I dont halo should be about the gore. I am not a person that likes a lot of graphic violence. Blue alien blood doesnt give me a problem at all, but i am disgusted by human blood splattered everywhere. And i also do not like how graphic the assassinations are either. Stabbing knives in people's heads should not bring pleasure to any normal human halo shouldnt be about the gore. It is the style of gameplay that has made it a fan favorite
  6. good to see that its been toned down a bit. It would have been a nightmare to have it at its orginal strength
  7. as Tallgeese stated above, needing a perk to pick up grenades from the ground will limit their usage. Im sure not everyone will be using the resupply perk, so grenades wont be spammed as much and players will have to make smart decisions with them. I also hope the grenades in halo 4 remain consistent. In halo reach, they always seem to deal random amounts of damage no matter how close you are to it. For example, a grenade will land at my feet when i have full shields, but i am instantly killed from the explosion. When i throw a grenade and it lands at the feet of an enemy player, it doesnt even take their full shields down. And vice versa.
  8. have you not seen the diversity of the topics in the Offbeat Items section?? ?More than 75% of the topics have nothing to do with gaming. Thats what the other sections are for very well said Zag.
  9. i simply think this is being overthought. Its just a cool name really, but i dont think it refers to a specific event
  10. wow, this is great information. I can assume this "general" is the didact......but the covies and prometheans combining forces........this is deep.....
  11. thats a simpler way of looking at this issue. to make it even simpler, why do they even have organic features??
  12. this was a really good find tallgeese. The enemy that i am most concerned about is the crawler snipe. Those things move quicky, and in packs. Giving them long range abilities makes them very deadly
  13. this thread is in the offbeat topics section for a good reason and dont say that the members of this community have no experience. I am one of the more "youthfull" members here, so a lot of the communtiy is older than me. I'm sure most of the community has gone through this stuff before and some of our members are even married. Dont jump to conclusions so quickly
  14. ok, so i'm in high school and homecoming is in a few weeks for me. I met this new girl that i'm starting to like. We've only been talking talking for like a week now, but she seems very open towards me and we get along well. But the point is, i want to ask her to homecoming, and i need some ideas. I knew i could come here for this because this is only the Greatest community ever! so lets hear some ideas. I want to be able to do something creative, but i really do not like being in the spotlight. So, something that is clever but doesnt attract a lot of attention would really please me. If i get no ideas, i can just do it the old fashioned way and ask her straight up.......but thats just my failsafe plan for now Edit: thanks for the feedback if you gave any, but my problem is now solved. I came up with creatice idea to ask this girl, and she loved it. So, this girl plays volleyball for the school team. I went out and bought a volleyball, and wrote "homecoming?" and my name on it with a sharpie. I also bought some fancy chocolates as well. I made a plan with another girl on the volleyball to help me out. She would meet me at school early one day, i would give her the stuff, and she would put it in the girl's volleyball locker the plan was for her to find the stuff at the end of the day before her volleyball practice, and then she would see me later at the big varsity football game. But instead, she had to go down to her locker to get something during first period....... she was by herself when she went down to the locker, and all of the stuff was set up in it. Some of our friends told me that she thrilled afterwards and all of the girls said it was "soo cute". but anyways..... She Said Yessssss! so problem solved
  15. from the other halo games, we know that plasma weapons wreak havoc on shields, and human weapons can finish anything off, but what properties will the foerunner weapons have?? will the be effective at breaking shields, health, or something else?? i have not noticed any distinct patterns in the type of damage that they cause, and some info on this would be helpfull please leave some links if you have any solid proof about these things
  16. Seriously.....what are we getting ourselves into?? halo 4 might just be tooo epic for me..... the campaign is going to dive so deep into the forerunner fiction and i cant even imagine what we will discover. There has been so much buzz about the didact and his appearance will change the halo universe. The prometheans are adding a whole new aspect of gameplay, and the classic covenant is back. But what gives me goosebumps, is the fact that we will see the human side of chief.......he will be faced with situations that require sacrifice and emotion which will make this so realistic. Cortana will become more human as she goes rampant and her relationship with chief will change for sure. Just this quote from cortana in halo 4 shows how deep this gets : to MC "never make a girl a promise that you cant keep". and the flood..... Frankie said that we would not be fighting the flood in halo 4, but they will be a part of the campaign. And this may lead into more of the precursor fiction 343i has put so much effort into halo 4, and i am very pleased with what i see so far. I get goosebumps evry time i see footage of halo 4, and i have goosebumps as i post about the campaign as well. Halo 4 may just be too much for me to handle......too epic for a normal guy like me. But we are in this together, so we will need the strength of spartans to get through the epicness that is to come...... but seriously, what are we getting ourselves into......? This may too great for us to handle..... thanks 343i
  17. this looks a lot like the halo 3 beam rifle to me, but it just has the foreurnner style. I am very anxious to try out all of these new weapons
  18. this should be a very fun weapon to use. I wonder how much distance it can get and i want to know if it can lock on to air vehicles
  19. i would like to be able to use this in a loadout. And we also got to see some more of the promethean grenade in the very beginnning but does anyone else notice how close this player spawns to enemies?? it seems way too close
  20. i love new look of the beam rifle.....its looks pretty retro
  21. well, spartan ops take place after the events of the halo 4 camapign, so i dont think it will reveal anything. It may have connections to the novels or to the events of halo 5, but it shouldnt relate with halo 4. If there is stuff that we do not learn about the forerunners in the camapign, then i would assume it comes in the later campaigns. Spartans ops is mostly to create a fun co-op experience
  22. it is possible that it forerunner in origin. But i still think that it is just a scare tactic that has no real purpose behind it
  23. this question has been on my mind for such a long time..... i think it may be the ur-Didact. Because he was probably put into the cryptum to continue his punishment from Faber. Since he survived when he was exiled, they needed a new place to put him
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