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Victory Element

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Everything posted by Victory Element

  1. this is basic news for me at this point. but this halo fiction gets sooo deep
  2. ya, its not very possible, but i was just trying to get a bit creative
  3. finally...... i have given a lot of evidence as to why the didact will be in halo 4 , but so many people have said "no" to that idea and they say its something else. This is the biggest piece of evidence that we have seen so far and i am very pleased. This article should probably be pinned becuase of the great information that it holds
  4. how may years after the events of halo 3 did the UNSC find Guilty Spark/Chakas?? i honestly do not remember, but if it is a long enough time period, then may not affect halo 4 in any way
  5. Forest Operations Tactical Unit Specialist Field Operations Training Unit Specialist Field Operations Tactical Unit of Stealth ughhh....this is too hard
  6. i hope 343i lets us customize button layouts. I am a bit unhappy about the new location of the squat button, and i would like to be able to have evrything just where i want it
  7. Tallgeese did not say that it was the thruster pack. The jet pack has been nerfed a lot so you cant go crazy high like in reach. thats what he was refering to. I could see how you confused his secription with the thruster pack though. They have very similar characteristics, but they have completely different purposes
  8. i have an interesting idea. Cortana is pretty much a replication of Halsey if i'm correct, and the final stage of AI ramapncy is becoming fully human emotionally and such......does anyone else see a connection?......maybe cortana will become Halsey in a wierd way
  9. the spartan IIs and Halsey were on Onyx from what i rememeber. Not requiem
  10. biggest spoiler here is chief saying that Hasley is alive. But this was great vid
  11. i have explained so much other stuff to answer these questions in other posts. If you read my theory about the precursors being peacefull, then that explains why they were drvien off so easily. If they had controll of the mantle, why would they be prepared to go to war with the life that they must protect?? And if the foreruners had know knowledge of the flood, then they clearly never questioned the preucrsors about their origins. and having an entire population of graveminds/precursors is much different than the regular flood. One of my theorires explains how precursors are the most developed form of the flood, or the level above graveminds. They had wiped out the life in the previous galaxy as the regular flood, and slowly evovled into precurors. So the forerunners would have no knowledge about how the precursors had evovledsince they hadnt been created yet with your concern about the primordial not being a preucrsor itself, didnt he say something to the Didact like "i am the last of those who gave breath to you" or something similar?? and my timeline has not been put in any particular order. I have developed my theories more and more as people have questioned them in specific parts. I plan on putting my precursors theories into a topic of their own since they are soo spread out.
  12. this map looks like the classic halo we all love. but i did see a guass hog in one of the pics.....this better not be too overpowered
  13. machinimas will be booming becuase of the new forge additions and the ability to lower weapons
  14. very true. maybe it could be nerfed a bit and get slower firing or deal less damgae
  15. the hammers do sound weird, and the ability to throw the bomb will make things interesting
  16. this should be moved to clans/recruiting section. Not with halo stuff
  17. everyone wants to be the fast, agile, recon, sniper, spec ops kind of guys. Thats just a little boring.....whos going to fight on the front lines??
  18. those are both really cool. nice job guys
  19. i'm not even going to talk about your first topic, because it is complete bogus but for the second one, read the book Ishmael by Daniel Quinn. Its a verrrrrryyyyy deep book that i had to read for school, and i feel so enlightened about the world now
  20. i honestly dont think its worth the money to make it. But thats my opinion. If you really want to, then go for it
  21. welcome to the deepest fition you will ever find..... i may be exagerating a bit. I'm glad to see that you like my theory
  22. as i have said in other posts, the purpose is for intimidation. It is meant to be a human skull, but you can't expect it to be perfect
  23. its not even that big of an issue, just a cool idea that i had. It does sound like it may cause problems in the gameplay and for 343i, so halo 4 may be better off without it
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