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Victory Element

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Everything posted by Victory Element

  1. i play everything, so just play everything
  2. i just flat out hate 1v1s. It feels so boring with only one opponent to look for and no one to watch your back. I like the element of teamwork
  3. i always go for headshots, but my amount of kills spans greatly. I play a lot of different game modes so it varies a lot
  4. i figured that, i just wonder why the techonlogy is in there in the first place. Maybe the Didact brought it there to use at a later point in time
  5. i like this new weapon a lot. It feels almost......familiar?? theres just something about it that i feel really comfortable about and i fee like i've used it before. cant wait to use it
  6. i think you're just getting a bit too excited with the theories. Requiem is just a dyson sphere(aka a shield world) its purpose is to preserve life during a firing of the halo rings. We do know there is an ancient piece of technology buried inside of it, but it is a mystery why its even there
  7. my first sentence said, "i am ok with spoilers before the game comes out". I like reading spoiler topics at this point in time. I just dont want to have the entire thing spoiled once H4 is released sorry i didnt recognize this before, but i actually think its a great idea
  8. thats one of the problems. People screw around with titles and stuff just to annoy people and this shouldnt have to be a problem. And just the title of a topic can spoil it, for example "Why did Chief have to die (SPOILERS)". even if a title says spoilers, it can spoil it all. and things arent like that for me. I am a dedicated member on these forums and i try to check in as much as possible. if i want to start a topic about war games soon after H4 is released, your telling me i shouldnt come on here to post it at all. If its possible to control and organize the spoilers, then i dont see why doing so would be a problem
  9. i've said this in a previous post: i know WHY the spartans look different. I just want OPINIONS about tthe new look
  10. i always see your posts on the forums and i like to see that kind of dedication. I also really like the shoutout topics that you have done. I havent socialized with you much in the shoutbox, but you seem like a really cool guy from your posts that i read
  11. i thought Mendicant Bias was already defeated and deactivated by the Didact and offensive Bias
  12. lets gets this striaght now, i am ok with spoilers before the game actually comes out, but i hate spoilers after people have beat the campaign. I am proposing the idea of blocking all topics about the halo 4 campaign for little while after the game is released. I think there should be like a 4 week cushion from the time halo 4 is released til members can post topics about the halo 4 campaign. I plan on visiting this site before i finish the campaign, and i would hate to get it spoiled. I want to be able to view the halo 4 section without seeing a whole page of topics about the ending of the campaign. This cushion would give players time to finish the campaign(considering a lot of members will be in school during november) and it would prevent spilers as i said, i dont want to come on this site, go to the halo 4 section, and find a whole page of topics that spoil half the campaign for me. The cushion seems like a good way to prevent spoilers for the first few weeks, and by the end of it, i assume most people would have finished the campaign. If people support this idea, we can get the mods to put tthis into action what are everyones thoughts on this?? if its possible to control and organize spoilers, i dont see why it would be a problem to do so.
  13. thats another way you could put it. even a caveman could understand that
  14. thats the idea that i was trying to point out, but i may be wrong. I was mixing up halopedia with the halo wiki
  15. i agree with this. It takes perfect timing and possibly a plasma pistol to hijack a vehicle to begin with. Players should get what they deserve if they time their hijacks correctly. And as said above, it will only increase vehicle camping
  16. thats something i dont really like. It is good that the community will be expanding, but a ton of people will all join at the same time and things will probably get very hectic. We'll be seeing all these new names and topics popping up all over the place, and it will get very hard to find toopics that you've been following. there are already enough members on this site that have like 1 or 2 total posts and have been inactive for months now. I dont think this site needs any more of those people. i like people who stay dedicated and follow up on topics regularly like most of the community now. A lot of people in the "halo 4 rush" will probably join, ask a question about soemthing, get it answered, and never come back on this site. I think its just a waste if we will not be getting good members on this site.....not saying there are no more good ones to come, but i would like it if more people stayed active on this site
  17. that would probably be a problem. But if 343i ever did put it in a halo game, it would probably deal the same damage as a regular melee
  18. i think thats a pretty good apsect as well
  19. well there is one person who i dont think will be getting halo 4........he is a member of this site.....and his name happens to be ihate343industries......
  20. i'm sure theres going to be plenty of good maps. And i also like how community forge maps will not be in the mutliplayer
  21. agreed...... if only i had the power to lock it.......
  22. i wouldnt know, i'm not good with a lot of legal stuff like that
  23. hey, i'm okay with stealing (even though i wouldnt do it myself) but i always like to say this: "its not illegal if you dont get caught"
  24. when i refered to the humans defeating the flood, i was not talking about the ancient humans at all. I was trying to say that the current humans had temporarily defeated the flood for all we know. and with regards to the technology, it is very possible that the forerunners based their technology for weapons off of precursors technology. Even if the precursors didnt have weapons as an example, the precursors use nuclear power as source of energy. the forerunners then create nuclear bombs based off of the technology that the precursor had. the precursors have no weaponry at all, but the forerunners use their technology and turn it into weapons
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