lets gets this striaght now, i am ok with spoilers before the game actually comes out, but i hate spoilers after people have beat the campaign.
I am proposing the idea of blocking all topics about the halo 4 campaign for little while after the game is released. I think there should be like a 4 week cushion from the time halo 4 is released til members can post topics about the halo 4 campaign. I plan on visiting this site before i finish the campaign, and i would hate to get it spoiled. I want to be able to view the halo 4 section without seeing a whole page of topics about the ending of the campaign. This cushion would give players time to finish the campaign(considering a lot of members will be in school during november) and it would prevent spilers
as i said, i dont want to come on this site, go to the halo 4 section, and find a whole page of topics that spoil half the campaign for me. The cushion seems like a good way to prevent spoilers for the first few weeks, and by the end of it, i assume most people would have finished the campaign. If people support this idea, we can get the mods to put tthis into action
what are everyones thoughts on this??
if its possible to control and organize spoilers, i dont see why it would be a problem to do so.