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Victory Element

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Everything posted by Victory Element

  1. i wonder how much they will change it, or if it will be the same as the one in reach
  2. it would be a crime to see a spartan's face while he has a helmet on its gotta be a marine
  3. well the symbol from the campaign trailer isnt actually red, its orange. Its the same glowing orange as the orange EMP that disabled the Infinity, the orange prometheans, and the floating orange cryptum that scanned chief
  4. remember in the live action part of the campaign demo, they said the Infinity was "a vessel designed for battle, now repurposed for peace". Also, the Infinity was EMPed and sucked into requiem. It didnt go into the shield on purpose. and also remember the live cutscene for halo 4 that i put in a different topic. Del Rio wants to get off requiem as soon as possible without getting into a war
  5. halo always has the same feel for the gameplay, but there are little things that have to change for each game. there are some people who always say "why cant halo reach and halo 4 be like halo 3???" and this really annoys me. I do think that halo 3 was the best halo game so far, but some people need to get over it. Whats the point of having a new halo game come out if people want it to be just the same the one before it?? but the change in halo 4 will be for the better
  6. i dont like the bloom on sniper either. I really like the new sound for the spartan laser.....but the sniper rifle sounds ......a bit weak....
  7. you cant expect that the drop-in system will replace any punishment for quiting. There would have to be punishment for quiters regardless of the new circumstances. So you dont have to come on here to start complainig about what you dont like in halo reach. The system is pretty much fixed by 343i , and if you dont like it, just dont play halo
  8. well remember how at the end of the campaign demo, the promethean knight knocked chief out. He didnt kill him because they probably need him alive for something. But they do seem willing to destroy the covenant as well as other humans from the infinity
  9. ya, you have to be able to hit the weak spots on the vehicles. The easiest one to hit is the drivers seat if the vehicle is facing you. It may not destroy he vehicle, but it will don significant damage as well as kill the driver. But the main weak point on scorpions and wraiths is the rear vents. It you can hit one of those with one laser shot, the vehicle is done for good
  10. i think there may have already been a topic with all of the button layouts shown. I think its pretty old, but i'm sure its out tthere
  11. dont worry. Its not always that low. and halo 4 is the most aniticipated shooter in 2012 so it will have a huge amount of players at all times
  12. agreed. Its boring just watching everyone else play
  13. there is a topic like this in the halo 4 section already
  14. i'll be sure to make an effort to play in this this weekend. I have never done it before but i sounds like a lot of fun
  15. we definately have the tech, but there is no way the Us and China, etc. will ever unite to do this. Everyone is concerned about making money it would cost a crapload to do a big mission like this. The US is in a ton of debt with china and the US economy is getting worse. so dont plan on anything like this happening soon
  16. i read it but i feel like i'm upside down now
  17. here is my equation to life Chief > everything(even chuck norris)
  18. well they wouldnt be there to protect shield world from the flood. Shield worlds have this sort of system that eliminates all flood forms upon enrty to the sheld world. It goes through ships and wipes out all traces of the flood. It would be impossible for the flood to get inside. There could be two reasons why the prometheans are even on requiem: 1) they are protecting this ancient weapon 2) they are simply under leadership of the Didact so they are attacking either under orders from the Didact or to protect something we dont know about
  19. good point with the monitor colors. but i read an article on the halopedia website about ramapncy and stuff. It said orange meant rampancy, but i wonder why the monitors had different colors?? but i think the Didact's crytum being orange is a sign that he is evil. His previous symbol has been seen as blue, but in the halo 4 trailers, it is orange. Something has to have changed with the Didact for his symbol to become orange as well as significant number of the prometheans sorry that in this pic the symbol is red. i couldnt find a good comparison with an orange one. But also notice that the symbol has turned......maybe like turning from good to evil??
  20. thats a good point. Keeping track of quits wont really matter with the drop in feature
  21. good finds. I had seen most of this before, but i have yet to see a good pic of the railgun i think its spanish. I didnt actually watch it, i just read the title
  22. ok, i have thought a little and have simply added more detail to my theory. I didnt really have to change anything. so there was a previous galaxy full of other life, until the flood overran everything and wiped it all out. In that time, the flood had evolved from the smaller flood forms into the mighty precursors. They no longer had to rely on hosts and they could build technology at that point. They also had no enemies at the time becuase there was no other life. Then came the belief in the mantle. As being keepers of life, the precursors had no life to protect. So they created the forerunners to put the mantle into action. they wanted to be peacefull with other life because they no longer needed hosts to thrive off of, so they didnt need weapons of any sort. Meanwhile, the forerunners had developed weapons and crated an army to rebel against the precursors. The precursors had been in peacefull times and didnt have an weaponry to use in a war. So they were easily defeated by the forerunners who were prepared for combat. Since they were no longer in a position to keep the mantle, they would have to hand it off to humanity, and not the forerunners because of the war. the original flood forms would have to test humanity to prove that they should keep the mantle, since the Precursors were unable to do so themselves or it could be possible that this "cycle" of the flood happens over and over again in the same galaxy. The flood destroys all life and becomes precursors...precursors create more life and create the mantle.....the life that they protect rebels and they are devolved to the flood.....the flood test to see if a a new species will be worthy to protect the mantle the next time around....and the flood always seems to win...so they become precursors again, and try creating more life. and this cycle has continued until humanity fought bravely against flood, and has somewhat defeated it
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