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Victory Element

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Everything posted by Victory Element

  1. i'm sure they are spartans. we have seen what the ODST helmet looks like in the flag and oddball assassination vid. It definately not the same helmet, and i think the armor would be too heavy for a normal ODST to be wearing
  2. i was specifically refering to the guys on the right on chief. Not the other two spartans with the blue visors
  3. i dont see how they would loose money from verbally fighting. But they are owned by microsoft......so it wont matter anyways
  4. nice find. I had really paid attention to it when i had previously seen the vid
  5. ya, i had a topic with a good spoiler in it and it didnt have "spoiler" anywhere to be seen. A few days later i put it in all caps in the title.....but it was a little too late......+200 views i will be sure to do it from now on though
  6. if you combined the maps of reach with the ODST settings and stuff, BINGO
  7. We have not seen any specific images showing the marines that will be in halo 4. We know there will be marines on board the Infinity so they will have a role in the campaign as always. This in an older picture, but i have neglected to notice some details. the guy to the right of chief appears to be smaller than the spartans in the room, and his face is exposed from the front of his helmet(spartans would have visors), and he lacks the amount of distinguishable armor that the other spartans have. i would assume this is the new look for the marines in halo 4, but i may be wrong. what does averyone think of the new look??
  8. ya, Lasky will have something to do with the campaign. I saw it in a behind the scenes vid thing for Forward Unto Dawn
  9. can you elaborate a little more......maybe give us link to a vid or something that will prove this to us
  10. I'm pretty sure the mamoth is just going to be the elephant in halo 4..... but i'll be pretty happy if we can drive that Assualt Walker thing
  11. it is. Stealth Pilot just used the wrong name, but we get the general idea
  12. i actually liked the idea of that because it made the specific gametype more fun. It made things a bit more difficult in BTB, but i'm okay with it
  13. in some of the pictures, the jackals head looks like a needler
  14. it doesnt look at all like the reach scout helmet. I was looking at it from a halo 3 point of view
  15. nope. They will pass up all other games ....maybe not.....but they look a lot better than reach from what we have seen
  16. i think it would be a lot of fun helping you out, but i dont know if i have the time. I dont use the shoutbox much either(i mostly go post on topics) so i dont know a lot of members that personally. But i continue to enjoy reading all of your shouts
  17. another great shoutout by Sykowolf. Keep up the good work and congrats to Insignia
  18. it wouldnt be like if they brought back invasion. War Games is a training exercise for spartan IVs, so it would make sense if one team attacked the other just for training
  19. guys, try to look at the text that we can see on the disks from this view. The disk on top has "M" rating on it so you can assume it is the actual game. The second disk says "Halo 4" and there is some smaller writing underneath that i cant make out its most likely that it is 2 disks for the same game
  20. the helmet above the EOD is definately scout
  21. what AI are you talking about?? i dont think any specific AIs have been mentioned yet
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