i dont think this sounds like a real idea. How would a vehicle respond to multiple players beiing inside of it if they all had different packages?? i dont think this is going to be a part of the halo 4 game
i seem to have the opposite problem with grenades. Whenever i have a grenade land at my feet when i have full shields and health, i always die. When i do it to others, they just loose shields. The grenades in reach are very inconsistent aand that why i dont like them.
But i have no problem with bloom, i just hate visible bloom
well, the only helmet you get is the haunted helmet, which i dont really like. But at hero, you unlock the final attachment for the security helmet, and at mythic, you get final attachment for 'gungir helmet
yep, no big power weapons....but maybe the sword. In halo reach invasion, there were loadouts that spawned with a shot or a sword so i think it could be possible. But we havent seen the shotgun in any ordinance drops yet, so it will probably be unlockable
yes, there has been new info about the shotgun being able to be a default in loadouts. there is a seperate topic about it with a screenshot and it looks legit. we have not seen the shotie in any ordinance drops yet (only scattershot for CQC) so i assume it will have to be an unlockable weapon
well from what we have seen, the scattershot rounds seem to bounce off of nearby objects and it also looks to be semi auto. I think the faster rate of fire will make it more of a threat compared to the shotgun, but i think it looks less accurate
it does seem a bit similar, but this has to do with ordinance.
the ordinance drops all depend on the map your on on they change randomly. You are given about 4 options to choose from but they wont always be the same. its not like the custom loadouts where you can set your own defaults
i'll proabbably just get only the armor to go with my Best Buy pre-order skin, and from there only get weapons and such. I didnt pre-order it for nothin
it will probably take a long time to unlock though if it can be used in custom loadouts. It also makes sense because we have not seen the shotguns in any weapon drops, only the scattershot, so it will probably be unlockable for loadouts