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Victory Element

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Everything posted by Victory Element

  1. i'm sure i have done some stupid things in halo, but i cant seem to think of one at the moment.....
  2. i dont think it seems like a popularity contest. I knew the two people in the first shoutouts pretty good, but i honestly cant say i know Mr. Wolfy at all.....but after reading this post, he is now somebody that i want to know
  3. its all a mystery right now, but what we know is: -Del Rio want so to get Infinity fixed -he wants to leave Requiem ASAP -cortana wont let him -something else is trying to get off requiem
  4. it makes sense, but i still want to believe the evolution theory. Precursors are the final evolved form of the flood, and the flood is jut a stage in their evolution
  5. take the girlfriend and also find any big dudes you can but dont go to the police station. Everyone else would be going there and it would attract the zombie's attention. I would stay at home in the second floor of the house and barricade the stairs. Instead of trying to stop the zombies from coming in multiple doors and windows, funnel them into one spot where they will be easy targets.
  6. cmon guys, is this about congratualting Ryu, or about arguing over cats and dogs?? Anyways, i find Ryu to be full of good knowledge and he is fun to have a conversation with. Congrats dude
  7. ya, i either thought it meant the Didact was corrupted or rampant, but i have another theory. I think its possibly meaant to show that it is not the orignal Didact. Its the Didacts consciousness and imprint in Bornstellar
  8. this is an idea that would come in very handy. I dont think it has been implemented yet, but i would hope to see it in the future
  9. sometimes i even prefer the fuel rod gun over the rocket launcher....
  10. thanx man. i forgot how the new system would work, but i just dont like how it gives you a budget in a way. Its like, you can have this many credits to spend and you get no more til you rank u p again. I think it limits armor purchasing a lot, but it will keep the ranking system more balanced
  11. jeez, you have so many ideas and i can t believe you want to come up with more! a lot of these sound really unrealistic, but i think its a lot of fun reading all of these i wouldnt think a grenade would do something like that. Maybe an armor ability or something..... but the little indicator above your teamate's heads already changes colors when they are being attacked, so you know to go help them i had the idea of making grenades that created trait zones like we have seen in forge world. For example, you can throw a trait grenade at your teamates to give them an overshield or something
  12. there is something that has concerned me in the topic of the Infinity. when it got sucked into Requiem, it wasnt equiped for combat purposes, so i wonder how this will affect the campaign
  13. nice work, i wish i could make something like that
  14. the group of covenant on requiem have been confirmed to be a "splinter group". In this time period, the elites are on the verge of a civil war because some dont accept the humans as allies. So this is a group of covenant that hasnt accepted peace with humanity after the war
  15. i noticed the upside down sybol too. Maybe it has to do with the Didact becoming rampant or something?? or it could possibly be altered to show that its not the original Didact. Its the Bornstellar one
  16. i want halo reach Hazop, ODST, Gungir, and EOD i want halo 3 EVA, Scout, and Rogue
  17. i am field marshall. Ya, your armor looks ok, but you can use my design if you want
  18. well, then theres no point in me guessing..... leave a message on my profile with the name for like 2 mins and then remove it so no one lese sees. Maybe i can help with some stuff to say in the post.... no dont do that. I want it to be a surprise
  19. congrats guys. i never use the shoutbox much so i wont be seeing my name here
  20. can i have a hint??? is the person on your list in your signature?
  21. the spike grenades in halo 3 were like sticky grenades. The are called spike grenades because the spikes on them are what makes them stick to players and vehicles. This needler grenade wouldnt detonate like the halo 3 spike grenade. It would send out a burst of pink needles to damage shields and such
  22. please save us almighty Director!!! but it is 8
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