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Victory Element

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Everything posted by Victory Element

  1. haha, thanks. I have to complement you on all of the posts that you have made on the halo 4 forums. You have been very active and helpfull.......but i'm no administrator or anything, but if i was, i would give you an award
  2. cmon man! make that tiny font a bit larger so everyone can see! i hate them too, and if t-bagging is so improtant to you other guys,....then i'll be sure to instantly respawn so you dont know if i'm looking. point is, t-bagging is immature and pointless
  3. that makes sense, then it may make players shy away from the weapon a bit, so it will be less common. and the classic magnum will return to be the most common secondary.......and the noobs will be defeated
  4. halo 4, featuring.......the Ghost of Taratarus......
  5. well, in infinity slayer, you call in your own weapon drops every five kills you get(deaths dont stop streaks). In other modes, random weapon drops will replace the spawning of the weapons like it has always been. 343 wants to reduce weapon camping and add a bit of a surpirse element to the game, because you dont know where each weapon will start out or where it will return after its used
  6. the last one was amazing........they got killed at the same exact time....
  7. if what you're saying is true, it could mean the elites will become complete allies again in the halo future
  8. this sounds correct to me. I'm pretty sure i saw it as well
  9. i can assume the i'm sure we will see hunters, they've been in halo since the start and it would be boring without them. The brutes.......i dont care if they're in or out. i would like to see drones back, but i hope they make more appearances. If have always felt a "lack of drones" and they seem to be an effective covenant unit. And i feel bad for the engineers too...... .....lets hope they're not back
  10. SweatyBagels does have a really good point, but we need to look at his statement in a larger perspective. 343i wouldnt change the abilities of a weapon for one specific game mode, so it would have to be like that in other modes as well. Imagine trying to disable a vehicle in BTB, and your EMP fails because the PP was made inconsistent. It is a very good idea for regular slayer modes, but we have to think about how it would effect vehicle combat too if it was made weaker
  11. if you want more randomess, close your eyes and keep scrolling through the game modes. Whatever you land on is what you play, then do it again after each game. If it comes to an extreme when i'm bored, thats what i do
  12. i never thought about this much, sounds like things could be made very interesting
  13. we dont know much about the custom games at this point. We can assume it will similar to reach and H3 but with some news features put in. Its not exactly the biggest topic right now, but hopefully some info will come out soon
  14. good vid, but the hello kitty lady in the background wouldnt shut up!! :wallbash: also, watch the crawlers at 10:34. They have hops!! no place is safe now.....
  15. i think you're a bit behind in this topic. read some of the posts from WonderWombat and SweatyBagels
  16. ummm, sounds like a whole new game which would be called Anti-Halo or Inside-Out Halo
  17. this was kinda the point. The noob combo didnt cause problems in reach nad H3 because the plasma pistols are limited if they are even on a map. But if everyone can use the pp as a starting secondary, i think it will be taken advantage of by many. Even if your opponents arent camping behind corners, the quick emp-headshot will sstill be very frustrating if it goes on the whole game
  18. i dont think it needs to be limited at all. its just a way of saying "hahaha. I have it and you dont" once the game actually comes out. Halo has a large community and i think the whole community should able to have access to the LE if they want. Also, if they dont limit it, it can bring in a larger profit for 343i and microsoft by making it easily available for consumers. I have wanted to per-order the LE since it was announced, but i havent had the chance to yet(my parents are holding me back :wallbash: ). I would be so dissapointed if i wasnt able to get the LE because it was all reserved by the time i got to preorder it
  19. i think its a little late......we'll have to deal with what we have for a bit longer
  20. i've never heard of that before. It would be interesting to try
  21. there have been some things that have made gameplay "noobish" in the halo games. two examples: armor lock, and weapon camping. But my concern is a bit different. With the custom loadouts, we have two options for secondary weapons: magnum and plasma pistol (considering you dont have the firerpower perk). i have a feeling that having such easy access to the plasma pistol with cause "a new breed of noobs". imagine players just camping behind corners with plasma pistols charged waiting for an EMP and quick melee......ALL THE TIME. its a simple way to get kills, but i dont want this to get taken advantage of by certain players. Promethean vision may be a counter to these people hiding around every corner, but that may not be the prefered armor ability for a lot of people. Even if you had promethean vision, you would be getting EMPed every 10 seconds and finished of with a melee or headshot. If players treat the plasma pistol's EMP appropriately, things will be the way they always have been. I'm just concerned about how the simple access to plasma pistols will affect the gameplay
  22. you make a valid point. but even if the forerunners are tall, we dont know if their skull sizes will vary
  23. lets stop all of this arguing about who the UNSC is and who ONI belongs to, etc. The point, there are too few naval ranks to compare to 50 in halo reach, and it also like the 1-50 rank in halo 2. It would take forever to rank up and the ranking system is already in place for halo 4
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