ther are two things that i am a bit concerned about in halo 4. These were problems in reach that i hope will be fixed in this next game.
Problem #1
spartan points system
i know this is only a placeholder name for now, but you will understand what i am talking about. In reach, credits were given based off of multiple things in a game, one of them being time. The longer a game went on, the more credits players would receive after the game. I dont exactly see the point in this and i hope it is removed in halo 4. A person couldnt even be playing and get a lot of credits because of the game's duration. It seems like a cheap way to deal out credits, but if there is other reasoning for it, please explain.
party up queues
in reach, after every game, there would be a countdown and when it ran out, you would be partied up with the remaining players and continue matchmaking. i have been in many games where people have not been playing and this is the cause of the problem. if the party up feature automatically happens, players can go on forever in matchmaking with nothing to stop them. In halo 3, i think you had to hit a button to party up, and this should return. And this also applies to the first problem. a player could just leave there xbox in matchmaking and it would keep going through games. The person wouldnt even be playing and they would receive credits for the length of each game
these are only some minor problems, but they do get pesky. Thoughts?