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Victory Element

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Everything posted by Victory Element

  1. i've been trying to think of new modes to, but invasion is pretty distinct on its own. Its possible that they could change the objectives to mix things up. Like for the first objective, both teams have to be on offense and fight to capture one hill. The victor then remains the offensive team and has to push into their opponents side of the map. It would then switch after the first round is complete. Maybe instead of the 3rd objective as having to steal the core and take it to pickup zone, you will have to plant a bomb in the enemy base instead. It sounds like a cool new twist i think. and we already can assume it will be spartan on spartan. I like my my second idea best out of the two, any thoughts??
  2. there are not that many "hard to reach areas", it simply that some places take longer to get to on foot. The jet pack was designed to help players change elevation on a map without needing ramps and grav lifts. It is simply an alternate way to change your position on the map, and its not meant for combat situations. It makes players into sitting ducks when they are high in the air with no cover
  3. i doubt they would change the effects of a weapon so it is tailored to a certain playlist. Thats like babying the btb players so they get special goodies. Maybe you will not be able to use loadouts that have the plasma pistol as your secondary, because some game modes will have default loadouts. or this problem will just have to be delt with the hard way
  4. i can hardly understand what hes saying. i get my headphones and listen to it later
  5. where would you put these names or numbers?? it]] think it would be better if you could just put your eblem on your armor like in halo 3
  6. BINGO. the animations were not finished yet so all of the "characters" had human characteristics still. Anyways, fighting humans would ruin the halo campaign. Who would want to replace the grunts with something like that and also...... 343rd post :band: :fun: :clap: :laughing:
  7. probably both. but the forerunners couldnt have had that much of size difference between the classes. I'm sure the majority are larger than humans
  8. no i think they are two seperate playlists. they have completely different scoring systems, so they wouldnt both be an option in the votes at the same time. Two completely different modes
  9. great research and finds. The small weapon on the spartans leg looks to be promethean, maybe like an smg....or it does seem a bit similar to the mauler from H3
  10. i have heard about the sentry turret, hopefully not like cod how about armor lock...... only kidding
  11. ya, i'm pretty sure it comes with the LE. i think you're mistaking it for the CE anniversary armor
  12. ohhhh nooo.......i'm very disappointed how could you forget that you get banned for quiting???? that is the most common one
  13. agreed . it would be hard to get rid of such a popular game mode
  14. if i knew, i would tell.........but i dont know.....
  15. ohhhhhh, thats what they are.......thanks for refreshing me
  16. i just got an interesting idea. maybe like an invasion mode with an army of legendary AI elites as your enemy....... would be fun...but its a little far fetched
  17. so i guess you like geting credits by the minute........ cheapo
  18. there are a lot of possible VIP variants that can be done. Like everyone has magnums and stickies, while the VIPs carry turrets and have overshields. I also have a game mode that i've never seen in any game before. I dont exactly have a name for it, but it goes like this: each player has a number or color. You are given another number as your target, and someone else has you as a target at the same time. once you eliminate your target, you are assigned their previous target. You can kill other players, but you only get points for killing your target. It ends once there is one man standing i also like the D-Day sort of custom games, where theres like a beach or something and one team has to advance further into the land. Power weapons and vehicles scattered everywhere. I'm talking more about a custom game, not like invasion
  19. thats probably not an easy thing to do, but is probably the most effective way
  20. ther are two things that i am a bit concerned about in halo 4. These were problems in reach that i hope will be fixed in this next game. Problem #1 spartan points system i know this is only a placeholder name for now, but you will understand what i am talking about. In reach, credits were given based off of multiple things in a game, one of them being time. The longer a game went on, the more credits players would receive after the game. I dont exactly see the point in this and i hope it is removed in halo 4. A person couldnt even be playing and get a lot of credits because of the game's duration. It seems like a cheap way to deal out credits, but if there is other reasoning for it, please explain. Problem#2 party up queues in reach, after every game, there would be a countdown and when it ran out, you would be partied up with the remaining players and continue matchmaking. i have been in many games where people have not been playing and this is the cause of the problem. if the party up feature automatically happens, players can go on forever in matchmaking with nothing to stop them. In halo 3, i think you had to hit a button to party up, and this should return. And this also applies to the first problem. a player could just leave there xbox in matchmaking and it would keep going through games. The person wouldnt even be playing and they would receive credits for the length of each game these are only some minor problems, but they do get pesky. Thoughts?
  21. it wouldnt be hard. As i said above, you just need to stop rewarding the players if they are not getting points from the objective. For example in reach, only give them like 1/3 of the credits they would normally get. In reach, players always receiv a decent reward after each game, wether they go for objectives or not. limiting this will make players work for the objective so they are able to obtain credits
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