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Victory Element

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Everything posted by Victory Element

  1. this is the place to voice your opinion, but this is only a fan forum. You can expect arguments from oppssing fans and 343 employees do not read these forums.....unless they do it for fun in there spare time
  2. ya, the kills seem to be a flexible challenge because you can do them in all different game types
  3. i cant say if its good or bad yet because i just dont know. The only thing i can do is hope that its good
  4. its a possibility. In the Halo 4 campaign trailer there was a quick clip of a warthog that seemed to drving out of a large vehicle with wheels. It looked like a possible elephant, but i dont know if it will be in multiplayer......hopefully it will. I also hope that the elephant will be added into forge mode
  5. now that i think about it, you have a good point. I think things do need to get mixed up a little to create more close quarters combat.......but halo 4 isnt looking that way.......everyone's custom loadouts will probably have percision weapons as a primary weapon
  6. Thank you for viewing this topic, please wtach the video and read my description below. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36HOh3Vbdxw :clap: thanks for watching(if you even finished the video, it is a long trailer). This fan made trailer is my first actual video that i have made on my own. I know there are some flaws in it but i think it went ok for my first vid. Pease, no hate! only constructive critism that i can work off of. thanks again for watching Halo 4 Trailer (fan made).wmv
  7. ok, I just finished the vid. I am posting in a new topic in the halo 4 forums. please watch it
  8. i thought i saw a leaked picture of the special edition console skin in a different post, and it looked kinda ugly......but this is completely different and it looks sweet!! but i wont be getting it anyways
  9. you do have a good point. I guess i was a little to specific when i said TRUE halo fan, but if you dont play the new halo games, then whats the point of following the halo universe?? It all started as a video game and video games have been the backbone of all halo fiction. If there was a movie, i could see being a fan of the fiction but not the games, but nothing like a real movie has come out yet.......maybe the forward unto dawn webshow will attract new fans
  10. ya i saw this in a behind the scenes interview thing. I think the actor was in x-men or something like that, i dont remember either
  11. wow, i dowloaded it.........and its almost too easy to use
  12. ya, i agree, they cant remake each halo game after a new one comes out. i do think it would be better if they focused their efforts on the fututre of halo, not the past
  13. this was a good find and i'm looking forward to seeing this series. but in the video, i did hear that the cadet Thomas Lasky will have a role in Spartan ops and in campaign. REMEMBER THAT NAME
  14. i think this would be an interesting element in the game......but in reach, if you squat right before you hit the ground, it absorbs your fall damage and you dont loose shields. You do have to time it correctly but a new feature for breaking fall damage isnt necesary
  15. i just dont understand, why does everyone hate the changes??? yes, i do think halo 3 was the most fun halo SO FAR....... but why arent they open to new ideas?? whats the point of coming out with new halo games if people want them all to be like halo 3?? with no new features, everything would be the same and just get boring. Change is good, and a true halo fan would be able to accept the changes
  16. well, its a tough decision, but i feel that i spend more time sprinting than i do crouching....... so it will be harder to hide on the radars now
  17. i agree. Assualt carbine was probably just a temporary name until they finalized it. I do like the idea of having the silenced smg, but not showing up on radar.........thats what the silencer does in cod
  18. i think that part of the plot will involve chief looking for a forerunner to fix cortana if possible
  19. Thanks total mayh3m. the other havent worked so well for me so i will try this
  20. MLG should have no armor abilities. Sprint is already a default
  21. ok, thanks to both of you. i can finally get started now
  22. hey, i wanted to try making a fan made trailer for halo 4(my first time making an actual vid ), but i need some suggestions. I need a reliable video converter that i can use to transfer youtube vids to windows movie maker. I've tried one so far but it couldnt convert the vids to right format for movie maker. I just wanted to get some suggestions before i go on testing every converter out there. Please leave any suggestions and recommendations that you have....... and if you find yourself wanting to help me with the actual vid, the answer is no. I want to try making it on my own...... i need some experience
  23. it hasnt seemed to be a problem for anyone in any of the gameplay vids that i have seen
  24. you know what, i like you man i'm going to send you a friend request on xbox when i get a chance..... but im on vavction italy for the rest of july.......so it will be a while
  25. I have just come up with a new theory. both the Didact and the Librarian are on Requiem, but there is conflict between them. The Librarian escaped to the shield world when the rings were fired and preserved humans there. the Didact finally found the Librarian and became angry at the fact that she had been preserving human life on Requiem. The Didact then corrupts a large amount of the Prometheans(the orange colored) and begins to wipe out the humans. The Librarian then progams the remaining prometheans(blue colored) to protect the humans living there. And i havent thought about how Chief or the Infinity will play into this, i will add more later
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