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Victory Element

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Everything posted by Victory Element

  1. who says that he leads the blue ones???? well i guess we find out in november..........
  2. i agree. One team probably gets a slight advantage over the other and that sometimes makes things get boring(wether your completely domianting or getting wrecked). One thing that i've always liked about halo is that both teams start out with an equal amount of power and it keeps things more fair......custom loadouts may affect this in halo 4 though. i hope that things stay balanced
  3. you missed a few places you could preorder from.......... because im getting Raptor skin from best buy
  4. Watch the full video that truly Exclusive postedThis looks amazing! the structure styles look a lot cooler than they did in reach, and what about the amazing new features like -highlighting -lock -duplicate -magnet -dynamic lighting/shadows -player trait zones but my favorite part is having 3 forge environments to use!! i will definately use forge a lot more than i did in reach
  5. i noticed this too and found it very interesting. In halo wars, there was a dormant forerunner fleet inside of the shield world that the game took place on. This could insist that a forerunner fleet has been left untouched in Requiem and could greatly change the course of the campaign. Another theory is that a group of ancient humans(from the time of the forerunners) escaped to the shield world when the rings were fired and have lived there since. It says it is a native boy, so either humans have lived on Requiem, or this is a completely different planet. Now, i'm going to have to rethink all of my theories that i have come up with for the campaign
  6. i've always wanted this to be a part of creating maps........lets cross our fingers and wait til H4 comes out
  7. ummm........ it was just the H4 live action campaign trailer and the Forward Unto Dawn teaser with some music in the background. the music was a nice touch, but theres nothing special here
  8. you do have a very good point, but i would be happy still if they only had it in custom games. It doesnt need to be a part of the regular multiplayer because it could cause some of the issues that you stated. I personally dont think it would give an immediate advantage to a certain team, i think it would take time for players to learn how to take advantage of their environments. But you do have a valid point
  9. nothing special......im a little disappointed
  10. ya i know, but i just wanted to point out that concern becasue some people take matters like that a little to seriously. I'm not going to get into the topic of racism though. This forum is for talking about halo but im glad that you understand my point
  11. there are already multiple topics about forerunners and the didact on these forums. but i can tell that you're new around here, so just check out some of the topics that talk about the didact
  12. will these only be power or armor abilities too?? they could make things very interesting
  13. maybe the prometheans will have a hunter variant if the covenant ones dont return......but they should be back. they have been a part of halo since the beginning!
  14. sounds like it would be fun, but if everyone ran to the center, pick up guns , and fired, it would be to short because everyone would die right away. the guns should be spread out, but a clever idea
  15. there has always been a good variety of spartan colors thst can be used for custom games and in some multiplayer modes like multi team, but i would like to be able to use the two most basic colors: black and white. This topic is not meant to be racist in any way, but i just think it would be a cool idea. Maybe bungie has never put it in the halo games because it could possibly be a form of racism for many halo gamers?? i personally find black and white to be coolest colors for spartans and i would want to see them as opposing teams. Imagine a whole team of spartans that looked like the black and white chief with gold visor on the cover of CE anniversary edition! post some thoughts because i really want to hear some other opinions on this. here are some pics also white spartan black spartan ( sorry i couldnt find a full body pic, best i could do) more pics. i couldnt fit them on the first post
  16. i'm fine with red and blue.....but green and yellow seem like they would be hard to distinguish on a battlefield. maybe something like green vs. purple would be alright
  17. i dont see any reason why they wouldnt keep it.......unless a six shot clip, covenant rocket launcher seems too overpowered
  18. agreed. too much can cause too much lag
  19. there are so many ideas that people have come up with for forge that if they were put into the games things would get sooo complicated. I do think the idea is interesting, but it just seems like trivial addition that wont change a lot of the gameplay
  20. i think that 343 has revealed more than they should have in such a short period of time. I honestly think they released more info than they should have, but regardless, they should have spaced it out a little more. So much info has come out in past 4 weeks, and i sort of liked the secrecy that 343 had earlier in the year
  21. i prefer not to think about these kinds of things.......
  22. at this point in time, the covenant is in sort of a civil war. Some have accepted defeat and have made peace with the humans, while the rest refuse to. the covenant on requiem have been confirmed to be a kind of covenant splinter group by 343.......amd of course, they will be the bad ones..... but imagine fighting against the covenant, with the covenant as your ally. i mean like humans and good covenant fighting against the bad covenant. I've always wanted to lead a squad of grunts!
  23. it sounds kinda like infection so me...... but theres a slim chance that we will ever get a FP view from any of the covenant species(besides elite)
  24. now it all comes down to the decision........which one will i use??? but anyways, good info and im glad you took the time to figure this info out
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