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    The Mighty Dino

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  1. The reason Reds are fighting Blues is because they are in a long ship in space with a virtual reality room for training purposes only. Here is a link: http://www.examiner.com/console-gaming-in-national/first-halo-4-multiplayer-details-leak-out I am not sure how legitimate this is but it seems like a very likely reason for these ongoing battles between them and the reason you can continuously come back to life.
  2. But it worked well in Halo 3 and no one ever complained. Some may even prefer it.
  3. Maybe if they bring the DMR and Battle Rifle back Swat will be more interesting. Swat DMRs, Swat BRs or maybe a mixture of the two, no magnums just the both of them. Then we can really see which one is better. Although, the BR is still my favorite, I have grown accustomed to the DMR sadly...
  4. Here is a thought on a remake. It has been in every single Halo game (not including Halo ODST), Halo Wars and Halo Reach even had it, and the both of those games had little to do with the first Halo games. Although, Reach did sort of lead us into Halo 1 but you know what I mean. Anyways, Blood Gulch, Coagulation, Valhalla, and Hemorrhage (and Blood Gulch again in Halo Wars). It has been recreated 4 times now, why not a 5th time for Halo 4? I do see the point that it's an all new trilogy but Halo Wars was a whole new story as well, and a couple years in the past as well.
  5. I am not sure if this has ever been pointed out in the teaser trailer but I found out today, while quickly pausing and playing through it, that grenade launcher/pistol weapon he grabbed while boosting through the mayhem going on in the ship, was not the only one floating around. There are actually several of them floating by as he grabbed one, so there will be more than likely small amounts of ammo and maybe only a limited amount too. Maybe in the very beginning you get a limited amount of the weapons from the ship and begin to find Forerunner weapons, or whatever enemy we will be fighting carries a weapon you can pick up, and eventually if you run into any UNSC they will restock your human weapons or something. I don't know anymore, just giving out ideas that may or may not sound great.
  6. Is it just me or does Postage look like a Firefight map on ODST?
  7. So I realize this is an old thread but almost everywhere I have looked, when referring to the Forerunners, they have said that there will be actual running/working structures and technology made by Forerunners, so maybe you guys are right about the vehicles. And if that is so then there will more than likely be weapons made by Forerunners. Something to think about.
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