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Everything posted by FrankizClutch

  1. My favorite sport is football, also if MLG counts thats up there too
  2. I wish nothing would happen to halo 3 until 4 comes out because after 4 the small community left on h3 will be almost completely gone but until then us halo fans need a real game to play
  3. i think that halo 2 should be remade or at least give xbox players the ability to play it online. Halo 3 is great but there is no reason to remake it i play it everyday and it is just fine
  4. I play halo 3 everyday and need more people to play with GT: Frank iz Clutch
  5. Favorite map for MLG: Pit, 1v1s: Gaurdian, and for evertyhing else Heretic \ My fav weapons are the BR and the Sniper
  6. That was an epic comback dude i have a game with a very nice comeback also i was playing team swat when i used to boost 50s in it when i had a bad team and we were getting spawn killed lots but have an epic 49-50 comeback at the end after being down by 10 most of the game up till the very end when it was 45-49 and i get two doubles for the win This game was at rank 49 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFC9L3xspGU&feature=plcp&context=C4ac2765VDvjVQa1PpcFP4ied6MP5LZSLSUr4r-B1FXJ9tRZApsQ8%3D
  7. i love both snipers and prefer the reg sniper most of the time but in the actual team snipers playlist i find myself to do better with the beam rifle
  8. if you still cant get a 50 i reccommend playing team slayer with a fiend who is also good at the game
  9. i dont play odst i play halo 3 every day
  10. if halo 4 ends up like reach i will NOT buy it reach was the biggest waste of money ive ever spent, i will only play it maybe once a month if friends want to otherwise im on still on halo 3 everyday
  11. 3rd person in halo would be the dummest thing they could do, why change something that is already great
  12. i like that ranking system the best. i also like the H3 system, yea it had flaws but all of the people who were good could get a 50. now in reach you play a bunch of people who suck at the game but are the max rank its just dumb you should not be able to rank up if ur bad
  13. I wish for H4 to resemble H2,3 as much as it can because reach was just awful and it is not supposed to be like reach it was a prequel.
  14. I personally think Halo 3 is great and wish more people played it. Halo reach was a fail of a game and stole many great players
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