True Halo Fans Read This!!! [Rank System]
OK! I Love Halo and have been a Halo fan ever since Halo:Combat Evolved first came out. The ranking should be exactly Like Halo 2! you win three games to go up one level. You lose one and you start over and if you lose several games in a row you go down in levels. This separated everyone into individual skill levels so every game you played was competitive on each individual persons skill level. This would also give people a reason to go up in levels and the higher the level actually MEANS something! Not that you just play a lot Halo like Halo Reach did. And with no spread on the guns you can have GREAT players again and its not all "Spray and Pray" as I call it from Halo Reach. Now you can't MOD your X-Box no StanBy because its on tape so no boosting in levels. Ask yourself or any TRUE Halo fan, not someone who only liked one of the Halo games but ALL of them and I guarantee you that they will agree with me!
GAMERTAG xX Spartan26 Xx