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Everything posted by jdan81

  1. I would just like to see the same game pplay as halo2-3. Just add to it. IMprove it but not to the point that it doesnt feel like Halo anymore.
  2. thats all I was doing. You try to voice your oppinion or vent and people jump on you. Dude I didnt say that everyone plays is in America. I was saying I live in America and can speak my mind Since America is a free country!!! Thats all I was saying. I woould rather see skill win a game vs load outs.
  3. jdan81

    Stop complaining

    Bc armour abilities not not a skill.
  4. Well I didnt say anything about anyone in here. All I was doing is saying my point. Everybody wants to jump done my throat. All of yall can kiss it then.
  5. Why are you on here bashing me then? Oh wait I bet your one of the kids that got trashed all the time on Halo 3. Is that what is was?
  6. Because this is America and I can do what ever i want to!!!!!
  7. jdan81

    Stop complaining

    The new armor is cool. But Halo is not armor abilities and load outs. Halo has always been about the best man/woman standing. There was nothing better then running into the other teams side and wiping out the entire team. Cant really do that in REACH. If halo 4 is like that then its not staying true to its name. I think that if they made it more like Halo3 game play and change the ranking a little it would be just fine. The only reason that they made reach the way that they did is this: all the lil cry babies that played Halo 3 and got there buts kicked wanted a change so they would thinh that they are better then they really were. Anyone can sit behind a corner and camp with a shotty while invis. SPrint and hologram are the only ones that dont really bother real Halo players. jet pack,invis and armor lock are pu**y ways of playing he game. Halo is and always will be about you can out skill the other person. Thats the way it should be.
  8. I am on this forum to speak my opinion. Halo 3 was the best game as far as even playing grounds. If ppl dont like what I post then dont read or reply to it.
  9. I'm sorry I'm just not into all the new things that they are trying to put into the new Halo. Perks? Load outs? REALLY? Sounds to much like Bc3 and Mw3 to me. No longer Halo.
  10. Well the way I feel about it is this. If I wanted to play a game that was "like" cod. I would just play Cod. Halo is its own style game. Cod is a fun game and Im not taking anything from it at all. Halo is for of a skilled bassed game and a faster pace. Its not about who camps or anything. Kinda funny how MLG is talking about dropping Hlo if They screw the pooch again and It sure looks like thats what there are doing. NOW as far as Mkcrow, I dont blame him for being pissed off about what there doing with Halo. As far as anyone that may have something to say about what im saying on the skilled bassed game. Tell ya what. Put halo 3 in the xbox and invite for a one v one Im "FXGXSOUTHWINDX" Thers is a big difference between cod skill and halo and halo should stay true. "
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