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Everything posted by DoctorB77

  1. We used to have a badge for that. It had a piece of paper with a fat red F on it. Yah its not exactly what it is meant for but some things lead to another.
  2. Yay. Congrats. We know you deserve it.
  3. Spelled his name wrong. But I am working on a castle made of obsidian on the xbox. It's going to be massive. I want V1.7 to come out so I can get pistons.
  4. Granted. But they get dirty after someone punched you mistaking you for another person. Then your blood gets all over them nice shoes. I wish I didn't have to take my English communications class
  5. Tobuscus is really funny. My friend and I recite this all the time.
  6. You are really getting good at this. Way to use different sayings all the time. You make it interesting to watch.
  7. I agree with all of these besides the infinite money. Now I do want an increased budget. But infinite cash will result in a lot of lag and it would be nasty. They make a limit to reduce the chance of a map overload. However I don't want restrictions on how many of a certain piece you can use.
  8. That's great. I can't wait to see how they will work in custom games as well.
  9. Great. Message me if you ever need help. I have been looking for someone to work with for a while.
  10. Colorful is the perfect word.
  11. DoctorB77

    Armor skins

    I'm excited for these. Hopefully everyone else accepts them
  12. As cool as they look I think 343 will be able to match up to him well. However I do not want that many choices. It just seems too much like cod.
  13. I think there will be sprees for assists but not multi assist medals.
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