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Everything posted by DoctorB77

  1. A guy who is 7 foot 5 and in a giant suit of metal armor running around with a shotgun and a rocket launcher
  2. I ban azaxx for always using yellow which is annoying to read on mobile ( not as bad as vplus2 and his white)
  3. The person above me is very good at lieing The person below me can only hit a Target in halo with a needler
  4. Pokemon Wyr see the pyramids of giza or the wall of China?
  5. Scorpion and wraith are in. I will miss the chopper and the prowler
  6. Haha. Oh those were awesome.
  7. Just listened to this while it was storming outside. So eerie
  8. I dont want there to be a 3rd vs 4th game. Just play and win as long as you can.
  9. Genius right here. Ok your next challenge is to go solve the Aurora cygnus puzzle.
  10. There is a clan section on this forum if you are looking. I have heard some great reviews of some of the clans posted.
  11. From what I've seen you can't harm your own players. And I don't want idiots jumping into my grenades.
  12. If I can't see it then I don't see why it would matter.
  13. DoctorB77

    4 or 5?

    I say they should do both.
  14. I just hate it when ever the thing pops up asking me to buy.
  15. Another bloom thread. Just play mlg
  16. I think that it plays over in rounds. So if you are a zombie 3 times in a row and you don't die it light be possible. But other than that it is a pointless medal that can only be achieved in a custom game.
  17. This has been mentioned multiple times and as good of an idea as it is it just won't happen. This is because there are no flood models that are in halo 4. I don't think that 343 would spend so much time on one gametype. Maybe this can be incorperated in future halo games that involve the flood.
  18. Ask someone to move this to halo universe. I think this thread would fit well on there.
  19. Elites and drones. I always feel bad fighting the drones. They are kind of innocent.
  20. I think this would be hillarious. There were a decent amount of rvb Easter eggs in reach. The one I would like to see is that the bomb could every once in a while say something like Andy.
  21. In that case I think I am going to ask to host a tournement like this on the forum. Maybe as a goodbye to reach on the following months. Would anyone participate?
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