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Everything posted by DoctorB77

  1. DoctorB77


    I dont think so because the brutes don't really play nice with elites. So I would say that we won't be swing them. However if they somehow do return they need to look like halo 3 brutes. Not halo reach.
  2. Yes. But Idk if they will change it in halo 5 or 6. They did try to do it originally for halo 4 but weapon balancing got too complicated.
  3. Awesome. It looks like some of us won't be on multiplayer so often. I thinly this will get much more attention then firefight
  4. What the hell is that. it looks like a redneck sniper with binoculars on top.
  5. I would want a live action. But I want it to be about the beggining of the covenant and human war. Like the book "The fall of reach"
  6. Grunt. Jackals are too wired. WYR have a remake of avalanche or sandtrap
  7. If you take the perimeter of the pyramid of giza. Multiply it by 2 and then divide it by the height. You get pi up to 12 decimal places
  8. Watch the credits of the movie whenever you are looking for a song.
  9. I'm sure it applys for all armor
  10. DoctorB77

    Locus Helmet?

    That is sick. However I don't think that my parents will Preorder from NZ for me
  11. DoctorB77

    dang. 2000

    I'm sure halo 5 will be just as hectic
  12. DoctorB77

    dang. 2000

    Congratz on reaching 2000 threads on halo 4. A game that hasn't even been released
  13. Yes because there are sooooooooooo much space. I doubt we will end meet them though
  14. Don't force me to move to Australia. There are wild animals their. That hurt people. Like snakes, mudkips, spiders, and stuff like that.
  15. Big and mean. All metallic and clanky and stuff like that.
  16. Head - Mark 6 Everything else ODST Visor gold Main color - black Secondary color - Orange
  17. I would give my parents homeworld and everything and then train for several years after many surgeries. Then ill be a Spartan
  18. I ban Vplus2 for using white text which I can't read on mobile
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