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Everything posted by DoctorB77

  1. Already done bud. Thanks though.
  2. Well. That showed some new maps. I'm just sayin it looked like firefight.
  3. I have to say no to this idea.
  4. He was fighting forerunner technology. They are AIs created by prometheans. I think they are the highest respected forerunner.
  5. DoctorB77


    I want to HEAR it. I heard it was a boss sound.
  6. They have been working on weapon balance intensely. I'm sure it will work out fine.
  7. Ya. That walkthrough reminded me of the arrival in halo 3.
  8. Can't tell if the word light in the lightrifle is referring to the weight or the fact it shoots beams.
  9. Ok. How was E3 related to this? I didn't see any resemblence
  10. No its like us and drones. The drones are not soldiers.
  11. The enemies are protecting AIs. You hear cortana say that.
  12. That sounds reasonable. I like how that will work out. Now will they have halo 3 ranks or reach ranks with the "ranked" ranking.
  13. Why did you change your name?
  14. If someone is not making a thread up to your rules. Give them a bad review and exit the thread.
  15. Well. In statements issued by stealth you must now leave this forum
  16. You only get starting guns once. Then you get loadouts to chose from. And he is not saying that killcams are going to make the game horrible. But they will effect the game more than you think.
  17. Ya. I don't see what's wrong with both
  18. DoctorB77


    Well. This isn't exactly rockets. So take a chill pill
  19. DoctorB77


    It will comepletely defeat the point. I was looking forward to this in halo 4 and kill cams don't belong in halo.
  20. Thing is most are custom made.
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