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Everything posted by DoctorB77

  1. Dan. You need to stop doing yourself in white. I can't read the questions on mobile
  2. Lol. Also I apologize for double posting multiple times. I am on mobile and I can't quote multiple people at a time.
  3. You were exposed to radiation my friend. You are able to use your powers to type and you will be able to fly in a few moths. There is no cure to this but you will obtain the following abilities. Telekinetic powers Fly See in the dark Breath under water Since you have no ligiments you will have to fly. Until then you sit tight and eat some grass.
  4. You are turning into a spider. To fix this you just need to eat 5 pounds of insects. This will satisfy your spider like tendicies and make your cycle reverse. If you continue to eat bugs you will gain the ability to shoot webs like spider man. This however will not give you the oppertunity to appear in the avengers.
  5. To solve this send me your coordinates and I will send in a missle strike on your current position.
  6. You are just playing by yourself. I suggest that you play big team to try and make sure your team doesn't quit on you due to how dissapointing you are at the game.
  7. You have crazy legs. This disease is caused not by actions by the victim but by the male parent. Your father probably at one point in time was bitten by a person infected with this virus. It was passed on from him to you. So I would make sure that you do not bite people. I suggest that you brake your legs and have to be in a wheelchair.
  8. You are showing signs of having a psyco depressed boil. People get depressed because nobody likes them. However even though people like you they don't like your face. The boil on your neck is just the first stage. You will soon form another on your forehead that will offer you matches. You can avoid this by having your mother kiss the boil every once in a while to make it feel loved
  9. It still had the $ so I didn't think to convert
  10. Oh. It's Netherlands currency. Oops.
  11. I want to order from mighty ape but it costs an additional 30 bucks.
  12. Already a thread for this. 15
  13. Vids. Can't wait to see.
  14. Derp? Person above is kind with his words. The person below watches my little pony with their boyfriend
  15. Just started this book today. I never knew it gave out some of johns physical traits.. such as his hair color.
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