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Everything posted by DoctorB77

  1. The cabin is a plane. The two people are pilots and the radio is at the front with the pilots. The broken glass is from a windshield and they crashed the plane.
  2. Spartan. Batman is useless without his belt
  3. Your not very good at halo (that'll show him )
  4. Well. This sums up a lot of peoples opinions. I am sure there will be a classic playlist
  5. I agree with the maps. However I do want.a community playlist for forge maps.
  6. If they are not in matchmaking I don't see them being in cg and forge. Not to be a downer but it doesn't seem reasonable. Because this forge will probably still take place on the infinity.
  7. I agree. It would be good for ctf and bomb.
  8. Hmm. This would be cool to see. I would try it out
  9. With the brute shot I believe that this new railgun will be the replacement. Also as red confirmed the duel wielding will not happen. VIP had so many gametypes and I agree that they should bring it back
  10. This would be cool. Of this isn't done I would still like to see an enhanced version of bungie pro.
  11. So your saying that when they went "beyond the canyon" you said "no that's stupid". Forge world was amazing. But I would like to see a return of a flat terrain. Something infinite.
  12. DoctorB77

    the flood

    We know that flood will not be fightable. So I doubt they will create entirely new graphics and frames for one gametype.
  13. Could someone translate it all? I am only losing a few pics
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