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Everything posted by DoctorB77

  1. But in all seriousness I like ODST and Mark VI
  2. Lol. This would get more traffic in the Offbeat Items Forum or maybe the GD
  3. They don't look very threatening as plastic. I hope that the enemies are scary like the flood were in Halo 3.
  4. Then what about Co-Op? I hope for different chiefs with different colors. P1- Green (Default) P2- Navy Blue P3- Burnt Red P4- Black/Steel
  5. Also. Seeing that woman being modeled in the design trailer we know that there will be women somewhere in the game. I don't think people will be dressed as Kat because of her arm. I don't think that will be included in the game.
  6. Also. You can change your name to have it spelled correctly. Many people misspell assassin. It would be DarkAssassin
  7. He wants to know what the story would be and how the gameplay would be. Whether you are in first person or third.
  8. Lol. I was surprised that GS didn't make this thread
  9. Obvious troll is obvious. Be careful guys he is a troll *puts on flamesuit*
  10. Once upon a time there was an Apple. The end
  11. Also if this doesn't go through I am going to make a separate forum for us to use just for you guys
  12. Don't worry. I will take you in. I don't do voices over XBL. Some directors like me have actors and then people to do the voices. ;D
  13. I have talked to a lot of members about machinimas and I think that we should have a forum to have records of dates of recordings and different actors and scripts. The chatbox won't exactly be helpful to look back on. So if you agree then sign below (Just say you want it.) I DoctorB77 want this to happen.
  14. Because many cod players are idiots and think so... then they say how COD creates so many ideas My COD Freinds
  15. Ya what bullet said. Sorry man I want them too. It's just that they arn't necessary and they wouldn't be able to fit into the new matchmaking story
  16. Did anyone scan the box with their phone? Edit: URL is McFarlan www.spawn.com/halo/
  17. Well. Looks like McFarlen screwed up a bit didn't they?
  18. I do graphic design for my school. If you are going to go pro at gaming make sure you have something in computer scence or design to fall back on. Good luck man.
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