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Everything posted by DoctorB77

  1. I would use Orange but I'm on mobile
  2. I threw a plasma grenade into a shield door on spire then after I went through my brother died at the spawn.
  3. I request this thread be locked, stomped on, stabbed with a knife, Hung up to dry and then deleted... Haha jk. I don't know who did it but I ensure you twas not I.
  4. I think of pulling of out grabbing someone's neck and skewering them
  5. Ya. It sounds like fun and it would be awesome for machinimas. As long as it is an option that would be awesome. It would be cool if it could feature working mirrors as well.
  6. He actually said we wouldn't be fighting them. So it still could have to do a lot with them.
  7. Ya. I want some stuff that shows I am a fan
  8. Lol. What about Gungnir
  9. Depends on the situation. If the other player is not facing you in the first place then odds are you can take him out. The pistol is an awesome weapon. And from what we have heard I think it is going to be a beast in halo 4
  10. Just put info here man. No need for messaging. Also for future notice. Forging topics belong in the Map Room. So I ask this be moved
  11. Don't worry man. It will come off. Just make sure you have good connection and everything. So you arnt accused of quitting
  12. Submarine returns from Delaware and arrives to its fleets near Cuba. 24 hour servailence over all naval and air activity.
  13. Yay for Objective credits. I will go there more often. I also enjoy DMRs being top alt. Good edits this time
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