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Everything posted by DoctorB77

  1. Welcome to the Forums. Be sure to show us your music!!!
  2. Welcome to the forum haha. Who would have thought that. Forgers like us are badass.
  3. Maybe we should make a hall of fame. That would be awesome.
  4. Wonder why it can't be the same shade as the actual label. I like the hot pink color
  5. I like this one : http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/36iujt/
  6. Building: 4/7 Aircraft Carrier "Miami" 1/2 Missile Cruiser Current: 4/7 Aircraft Carrier 2 Destroyers 1 Submarine 1/2 Missile Cruiser Submarine enters waters surrounding the Delaware. Range of Pennsylvania Increased, firing on enemy sniper positions when ordered to do so.
  7. A of a touk hanging from my ceiling fan
  9. Me. Because I am a gentleman and a scholar. I participate on this site like a sir and then play Halo like a boss who enjoys not stealing miniamps kills.
  10. I might go back over the summer. But not right now
  11. Building: 3/7 of the "Miami" 1 Submarine Current: 25,000 Soldiers 3/7 Aircraft Carrier 2 Destroyers 1 Submarine Movement: Fleet in Cuba with the exception of a submarine being sent up north to assist viva with the destruction of Pennsylvania. The submarine is waiting for orders from viva for missle attacks. Position is 5 miles east of new jersey to avoid friendly mines
  12. I don't think banning should be disabled but it defenitly needs to be updated.
  13. We dont know exactly how fast. Like I said before. I could be like a brute shot.
  14. Stealth and I think it is a replacement for the spoke.
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