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Everything posted by DoctorB77

  1. Thats just Photoshop. There is no way that could be in the game due to its size. Armor Effects take place around the head and upper torso.
  2. I want to know more about the way it feels and works in gameplay. I also can't wait to try out the new sniper.
  3. I didn't see that as an option. It isn't referring to RvB overall.
  4. I actually don't want armor effects at all.
  5. Day 1 Troops: 25,000 1 Destroyer 1/7 of Carrier "Miami" Request to create alliance "Eastern Border Alliance" [EBA]
  6. I can't read it. On mobile and I can't read the yellow
  7. I am planning on going into mlg games. Any suggestions or tips?
  8. Thus only thing I wonder is how invasion will work.
  9. I agree. I isn't a very big deal. If you hate it so much then just play reach.
  10. I hope that next time you can make your text bigger so I can read it. But yeah. They probably will
  11. Lol. You all brought my thread back from the dead. Tucker: Ooo-kay. Church... is trying to get a TRANSLATOR. So that WE can TALK to EACH OTHER. Church: Tucker, the enormous alien doesn't speak our language. Speaking slowly is not gonna help. Tucker: What? I'm talking to Caboose. Church: Oh. Caboose: [camera pans to reveal Caboose] I don't understand. Are-are-are you hungry? Tucker, are you hungry? Are you cold? Tucker: What? No. Caboose: Do you need a blanket? Tucker, do you want some hot dogs and a blanket? Tucker: Damn it, no, Caboose, I'm NOT cold, I don't want a hot dog, and if you put mustard in my ******* sheets again, I'm gonna kill you. Caboose: Okay, gargantuan alien, now that we have decided to keep you, you need a real name. I vote for Fluffy.
  12. You could make the index all fancy and colorful.
  13. Great. Maybe I can get some people on here to actually like me
  14. I would get an elite, give him a monocule and make him my butler. His name would be Sir. Wort
  15. What would happen if someone were to return?
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