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Everything posted by DoctorB77

  1. I agree. But I think that these "noobs" brought us down along with the "overly competitive perfectionists". They seemed to argue a lot more with the interior community and made us drop.
  2. Man. This forum won't be the same without you. I enjoyed talking with you. Good luck with everything. We will all miss you a lot.
  3. I agree with some things. But you need to take in information first. Some of these things have been confirmed such as AAs. Also don't assume that everyone (99%) of people agree with your opinion. I myself supported the idea of armor abilities in most cases. I suggest you refresh using some of the updates and threads in this Halo 4 forum and then edit your post accordingly.
  4. Maybe. But I doubt for forge. It would be a very complex machine. Halo is known for its simple controls which can pick out the better pilot or driver. It would be cool to have one in missions such as Spartan ops
  5. Why hello. I hope to meet your acquaintance.
  6. I'm really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really reallyreally really really really really really really really really really really really EXCITED!
  7. Black Ops 2.... I'm sorry but this is really stupid... *facepalm*

    1. Kurt S-501

      Kurt S-501

      Black ops 2: Copy-Paste from Black Ops 1

    2. DoctorB77


      Not at all Kurt. In fact it has no relation what so-ever...

  8. Well they are done recording I believe. We just need to wait a bit longer. Also this is kind of an opinion so we can't argue much
  9. Question 2: 10*9*8*7*6*5*4*3*2*1 = 10! Can this be true? ANSWER
  10. Oh...i'm sorry. SO close. The correct answer is 'false'
  11. I think that every 40 minutes you should hear MC take a dump. (to be realistic)
  12. This should be moved. I also think it could be a "fun" energy sword. Like the golf club for gravity hammers. But i don't want it in matchmaking.
  13. Dan you broke my heart... nah Its good. I ask that a Mod locks this if it doesn't get on second page
  14. I actually think the reach one looks better
  15. DoctorB77


    So...are you mad that Recon is for everyone now? It makes me mad and I didn't even get the helmet. I'm sure 343 will keep it alive
  16. They said they were awarding credits to players who try out different weapons. So they have to track this somehow.
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