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Everything posted by DoctorB77

  1. I think that the two teleporters need to match. I don't like how one is really cool while the other is boring.
  2. This is a remake. It is almost identical.
  3. Yeah. I would have not made it inside. But awesome otherwise
  4. If you still need help I can do it sometime.
  5. I ban fire for not being on my friends list
  6. Granted. But then he wakes up 5 minutes later anyway. I wish I could control time
  7. How does the images in the new post affect this. With the use of this xp system again
  8. I'm on mobile right now. You should check to see if the number of digits in that coordinate point relate to the coordinates in one of the files on ACs site.
  9. I'm confused on the Dieing part. They are called rogues because they went against the beliefs of the other sangheilis and did not side with the humans.
  10. Jeff Steitzer comfirmed Probably some of the best news for me in that post. I also love cortanas new image and I am glad Jen is doing the voice.
  11. That pic of cortana is awesome.
  12. Ya. It won't get a lot like it. Just take customization traits. And we unlike cod actually take time to improve our graphics
  13. Ya. I would like it to have some heavier armor on it. Some better control over the rockets.
  14. Your crazy. If sandbox>forge world. Then we shouldn't expect any of this in halo 4
  15. After seeing these I am afraid to see what a brute would look like.
  16. Chopper. Also. I want them to rename the rocket warthog the wolverine.
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