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Everything posted by DoctorB77

  1. We don't think it is a visual thing but instead it would be on your hud
  2. Camping should not be encouraged or discouraged. You should play as you need to and camp as you do that. Kill cams would suck
  3. I think it is mainly radar based. And it could unveal position and maybe even what direction the enemy is facing
  4. If you havnt noticed the score increase after he was killed by 10 points. I am not very happy about this unless all kills are exactly 10points
  5. I agree. It was very helpful.
  6. You should just have a gametype for it. I would get tired of joining maps made by people who are wanting to show off. How about set custom games voted on by the community?
  7. I'm going to guess its forerunner. I don't think it will be unsc
  8. That picture is awesome. And I would like a sniper
  9. An update us that teammates are now green on the radar and you will know if they are above or below you.
  10. Granted. But you fall into a very deep pit. I wish that Google didn't make YouTube horrible.
  11. Granted. But he wishes you got banned for 20 I wish I got paid to go to school
  12. Granted. She died and haunts you I wish there were flood inn halo 4.
  13. DoctorB77

    Elite Riot

    Has anyone heard about this? Due to some changes in 343s matchmaking, elites will not be available. Now many major elite clans are not happy with this and they are threatining not to buy halo 4 They are also attacking all Spartan clans and these elite clans are now increasing in size in the protest against 343. Your thoughts?
  14. This is the only thread I have read about people relating halo and cod together. Very well put. I agree with you.
  15. Tiger woods...and steroids - mini moon.
  16. This made me laugh for about a minute. I think that all of our favorite ice freaks and animals are necessary to know on This site
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