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Everything posted by DoctorB77

  1. Daft Punk dude And i think it is "I believe I can fly" Ha Ha Ha Ha Oh you mad bro? I don't care if your an MLG pro Ha Ha Ha Ha Oh you mad bro? Why do you care when i call yo mom a hoe? Ha Ha Ha Ha Oh you mad bro? When I do your sister I keep it on the low. Ha Ha Ha Ha Oh you mad bro? Oh look at your face your about to explode!!!
  2. Granted, but then people dared you to jump off a tower and you were not afraid. I wish this thread would get 50 relpies and be pinned
  3. "Some call of duty addicts even form "clans". Does anyone else find this offensive?
  4. The news group. I wish for it someday. Wyr have the hotdog or Halo award?
  5. Granted but the world ends and you can't die I wish I could play halo 4 now.
  6. Interesting. I don't know if the flood are wise enough to hack though.
  7. Yes. But it send to me like this armor that we are seeing in the multiplayer is very similar if you think about it.
  8. Cool idea. But I wouldn't want it... Sorry
  9. I am actually looking foreward to this now
  10. I want a forerunner sniper. Something super strong but has low ammo and firerate.
  11. This is a really funny game that isn' too hard to do. If you have a really good imagination, you'll love it! The Rules are Simple: 1. The first person posts a wish. 2. The second poster grants the first wish, but with a twist so the granted wish is rendered useless. They then wish for something of thier own. Ex: Poster #1: I wish I had a million dollars. Poster #2: Granted, but you get it in pennies. I will start: I wish I could have a dragon
  12. I still believe. Besides. I need someone to talk to every once in a while
  13. Maybe you can pick a terrain to build on from thousands
  14. Welcome to the Forum. I agree with a couple of your opinions. I hope that it will all end up ok.
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