I like how you set this up. I give this thread an A.
I am really glad Arbiter is returning. Can't wait to see if he is in the fighting. I would like to play as him again. Since we can't play as elites in matchmaking supposably.
I really don't want them to change the scoring for games like team slayer. Ya sure they can make a seperate playlist for that type of scoring and I sounds fun. I just want to have the old gametype setups as well as the new ones. I am fine if 343 adds things but I do not want them to take things out.
Um. I think male and female should be equal. No need to make them too different. But maybe armor giving 1 to 3% increases on certain stats. I really don't want them to be so bad that other players can tell what you have enhanced.
Thanks Dan that was very helpful. He does seem important. Do you think Aurora would at all have something to do with him?
He could be the one who created the unscrambled first article. (The one who spoke of the flood)
Hopefully it keeps a lot of the players coming back week after week.
If its 343s replacement for firefight then it should probably be good. I wasn't a fan of firefight myself